9 adjectives to describe dualities

| | | These Pens are of a finer duality, more durable, and | | cheaper than any other Pen in the market.

| | | These Pens are of a finer duality, more durable, and | | cheaper than any other Pen in the market.

In addition to the Essays in Criticism, the other works of Arnold that possess his fine critical dualities in highest degree are On Translating Homer (1861) and The Study of Celtic Literature (1867).

About himself there was a curious duality.

Fully bound now in the sinister spell of the spice of the Molucca islands, Mr. BUMSTEAD had regained that condition of his duplex existence to which belonged the disposition he had made of his lethargic nephew and alpaca umbrella on that confused Christmas night; and with such realization of a distinct duality came back to him at least a partial recollection of where he had put the cherished two.

What are the most distinctive dualities of Kipling's short stories?

His gaze was once more upon her face, and now, in a curiously cool little second of observation, he saw mirrored there the same conflicting duality that he knew raged within himself.

A duality, predicable of the two wholes, LM and MN, is forthwith predicated of one of their parts, M.] bell-stroke.'

Ferragut eventually shared the same sentiments, his brain having divested itself of the contradictory duality which had attended all the critical moments of his existence.

9 adjectives to describe  dualities