9 adjectives to describe dude

"Awthat's all right, my deah fellowyou earned itdooced clevah in you" Tom Gordon compressed the paper into a small wad, and placing it between his thumb and forefinger, as though it were a marble, shot it against the eyeglasses of the amazed dude.

And he called his father "Guv'nor," with a cheek serene and rude, While that raging, wrathful rustic calld his son a "blasted dude.

"A regular damn dude," he was saying to himself.

"Always takes some soft-handed dude to make a winning with a fool girl," he comforted himself.

"He's just an infernal dude, your lordship, and I'll throw him in the river if he says a word too much.

They have these hard-nosed dudes called 'pit bosses' that keep an eye on things, head off trouble . . .

The lowly stain upon each face, The taunt still fresh of prouder race, But speeds the step that springs a pace, To succor or to die! With rifles hotto waist-band nude; The brawn beside the pampered dude; The cowboy kingone graveand rude To shelter him who falls!

BERTIE THE LAMB, professional dude, with a heart yet softer than his head, in The Henrietta, a play of New York life, by Bronson Howard.

" "Well, I never!" gasped the tall dude.

9 adjectives to describe  dude