5 adjectives to describe educationist

FROEBEL, FRIEDRICH, a devoted German educationist on the principles of Pestalozzi, which combined physical, moral, and intellectual training, commencing with the years of childhood; was the founder of the famous Kindergarten system (1782-1852).

I once was talking with an eminent educationist about the characteristic qualities produced by various Public Schools, and when I asked him what Harrow produced he replied, "A certain shy bumptiousness."

" The Educational Inspector, a very keen, thoughtful and competent educationist, was a disappointed man, like so many of his Service.

The practice of giving a dog a bad name is not only condemned by the proverbial philosophy of the ancients but by the most emancipated of the orthopsychical educationists of to-day.

The present forms taken by this control are mostly obnoxious to all practical educationists.

5 adjectives to describe  educationist