33 adjectives to describe egotist

The fellow is a supreme egotist; opposition will anger him, while flattery will make him subservient.

He'll always be more or less a profound egotist.

He knew himself for a blind, selfish egotist.

One day, as he was passing the statehouse, Giles Peram, who, with the powdered wig, lace, and ruffles of a cavalier, was strutting before some of the court officials, turning his eyes with an ill-bred stare on the stranger as he passed, remarked: "Oh, how extraordinary!" Sir Albert paused and, fixing his great blue eyes on the diminutive egotist, said: "Marry!

There are dull and bright, sacred and profane, coarse and fine egotists.

The Arabic phrase lantarani, a corruption of la-an-tarani, literally signifies "egad, if you saw me [do so and so];" hence lantarani-wala is equivalent to our terms, "an egregious egotist," or "great boaster.

Like other frigid egotists, his head and heart were always at leisure; and his successes had been the means, on more than one occasion, of extending his means of disgraceful enjoyment.

Mathieu listened at first in great astonishment, and then began to ask questions and raise objections, at most of which Beauchene laughed gayly, like the gross egotist he was.

We often hope without knowing why, and like a lonely wanderer on a stormy night, direct our weary steps towards the first glimmering window light, uncertain whether we are about to knock at the door of a philanthropist or of a heartless egotist.

Nevertheless, the Prussian state, autocratic from its inception, received philosophic justification in a series of thinkers, culminating in Hegel, who regarded the individual as a capricious egotist, the state, incarnate in its sovereign, as the supreme spiritual entity.

And this man whom we realise does not impress us unfavourably; if he is without charm, he is surely immensely interesting and attractive; he is so strong in his intellectual convictions, he is so free from intellectual affectations, he is such an ingenuous egotist, so naïvely human; he is so mercilessly honest and independent, and, at times (one may be permitted to think), so mistaken.

H.G. Wells has called his career the "raid of an intolerable egotist across the disordered beginning of a new time."

He was an egotist, too lazy to do any one an ill turn, but at the same time too selfish to do any one a kindness, unless it would tend directly to his own advantage.

"It is, sir," said the shopman, "alwaysfor that sort of child," and as he spoke we had a glimpse of the other youngster, a little, white face, pallid from sweet-eating and over-sapid food, and distorted by evil passions, a ruthless little egotist, pawing at the enchanted pane.

He was an egotistan egotist of the great type, never "a mean egotist," as he was once slanderously describedand all his faults sprang from egotism, which is in one sense, after all, only another name for greatness.

But to attempt to denounce Carlyle as a mere savage egotist cannot arise from anything but a pure inability to grasp Carlyle's gospel.

But the octogenarian egotist has something to tell about beside herself.

He becomes a pampered egotist.

I cannot endure the thought of ever being the peevish egotist, the exacting tyrant, which men are apt to become when they are thrown upon woman's love and long-suffering, as I am.

If we overcome, the satisfaction is deep and enduring,which only goes to show that man is but a petty egotist, always drawing pictures of himself on a pedestal.

He still retained his air of victorious superiority, declaring that he had remained unchanged, and there was truth in this; for though, instead of being an active master as formerly, he now too often showed himself a senile prowler, on the high road to paralysis, he yet continued to be a practical egotist, one who drew from life the greatest sum of enjoyment possible.

Alas for the weakness of the royal egotist!

"It is, sir," said the shopman, "alwaysfor that sort of child," and as he spoke we had a glimpse of the other youngster, a little, white face, pallid from sweet-eating and over-sapid food, and distorted by evil passions, a ruthless little egotist, pawing at the enchanted pane.

But those dense persons inhabiting the thickly populated region bordering on foolishnessthose self-satisfied, uncomprehending egotists occupying the half-way house between wisdom and folly, known as stupidityagainst such my wrath burns fiercely.

The silly old egotist who ruled Virginia declared that there was no danger from the Indians, and even while the frontiersmen were battling with them for their lives, he wrote to the home government that all trouble with the natives was happily over.

33 adjectives to describe  egotist