37 adjectives to describe emigrations

The highlands of labour are drained by this natural flow; even the strain of competition in skilled hand-labour finds sensible relief by the voluntary emigration of the more adventurous artisans, but the poor low-skilled workers suffer here again by reason of their poverty: no natural movement can relieve the plethora of labour-power in low-class employments.

It is the continuity in the flow of foreign emigration which constitutes the real danger.

Probably the biggest wholesale emigration scheme ever undertaken was that of Israel out of Egypt into Canaan, under the leadership of Moses.

Yet this is not allnearly every female in the house, except myself, is accompanied even here by her lap-dog, who sleeps in her room, and, not unfrequently, on her bed; and these Lesbias and Lindamiras increase the insalubrity of the air, and colonize one's stockings by sending forth daily emigrations of fleas.

It soon became apparent that nothing short of an immediate emigration could save the remnant.

Nothing, surely, when I threw myself into the current of western emigration, in 1817, was farther from my thoughts than my being an instrumental cause, to much extent, in stirring up and awakening a zeal for scientific explorations and researches.

The agricultural interests of Norway have suffered unmistakably by the enormous emigration to the United States.

Its population for a century doubled once in twenty years, though there was considerable emigration from the valley.

Month by month, these became more complicated, and necessarily delayed the intended emigration.

This identity of character is owing to the early predominance of the English, and to the circumstance that New-England and Virginia, the two great sources of internal emigration, were entirely of English origin.

The government prevents irregular emigration.

The age of loose promiscuous pauper emigration has gone by.

During the last twenty years the total number of persons emigrating from the Indian Empire was only 316,349, less than come to the United States annually from Italy, and the statistics show that 138,660 of these persons returned to their former homes during that period, leaving the net emigration since 1882 only 177,689 out of 300,000,000 of population.

Sir William Petty, the English statistician, tells us that during the decade from 1649 to 1659 the annual emigration from Ireland to the western continent was upwards of 6000, thus making, in that space of time, 60,000 souls, or about one-half of what the whole population must have been in 1659.

But discovering by slow degrees that no organisation can compel, or create a demand for labour at any price, there are now signs on the one hand of acquiescence, and on the other of partial emigration.

They have prevented peaceful emigration from the United States to the States of Central America, which could not fail to prove highly beneficial to all the parties concerned.

I cannot give a better idea of the extent of this peculiar emigration, than by copying extracts from the Centreville Times, a paper published in Maryland: "'Free Negroes and Slaves.

Nearly all that we possess has arisen from the happy influence of penal emigration and discipline, on production, distribution, and consumption.

the periodical emigrations of the flocks continue as in the past times: they descend from the mountains into the plains by a network of wide grassy roads which traverse the region in every direction and are called tratturi.

Early morning witnessed a procession of hackney coaches, laden as though we were bent on permanent emigration.

Gabriel preferred emigration.

The age of loose promiscuous pauper emigration has gone by.

Why have not the Government put tactful officers in charge at the frontier, whilst a great religious emigration is in progress?

To Londona sad emigration I ween45 With his grey hairs he went from the brook and the green; And there, with small wealth but his legs and his hands, As lonely he stood as a crow on the sands.

"The Land" also dealt with a movement that ran counter to the rooting of the Celtic people in the soilemigrationthe emigration to America of the young and the fit.

37 adjectives to describe  emigrations