119 adjectives to describe encounter

In Galicia there were fierce encounters between the Russian invaders and the Austrians.

"He is doubtless wondering if we are arranging the preliminaries for the desperate encounter for which we were booked.

A sharp encounter ensued.

You should confine yourself, in large part, to incidents in which you have been personally involved, or which you yourself have witnessed, as mishaps, unexpected encounters, bickerings, even rescues or riots.

The guards were also about to fire when Harrison restrained them and prevented a bloody encounter.

As a school-boy I obtained (despite the frequent closing of my visual organs) considerable Insight into Physical Science in the course of numerous pugilistic encounters.

After a rude encounter with the garrison, they took possession of it and its forts.

The Spartans are defeated by Alcibiades in a naval encounter at Cyzicus.

I have no doubt that after their memorable encounter in the Bardell v. Pickwick case, Serjeant Buzfuz and Serjeant Snubbin went out arm-in-arm, and over their port in the Temple (where the wine is good and astonishingly cheap) made excellent fun of the whole affair.

Able now to confront the enemy, Abd-el-Kader during the months of March and April, 1842, had frequent encounters with Bedeau, The issue was yet indecisive when the Sultan was called away to Mascara to deal with Lamoricière, who had been gaining ground and winning over tribes, including even a large part of Abd-el-Kader's own people, the Hashems.

He was still under the spell of last night's camp fire, and his brief encounter with Joe Carbrook, but without quite knowing what could possibly come of all that.

Even now shewas disturbed not so much by the unlikely chance of an accidental encounter with Ralph Marvell as by the remembrance of similar meetings, far from accidental, with the romantic Aaronson.

As the days passed on, this anxiety became greater; and visions of fatal encounters with the savages beset her naturally timid mind.

[Lat.]; gentle dullness ever loves a joke [Pope]; leave this keen encounter of our wits [Richard III]; just joking, just kidding; surely you jest!.

Taylor, with a small force, had several slight encounters with Mexican troops, after which he won the battle of Palo Alto (May 8, 1846), near the southern extremity of Texas; and that of Resaca de la Palma (May 9th), also in Texas, four miles north of Matamoros, Mexico.

When an accident happened, there was a great shouting, and sometimes a furious encounter; but nobody seemed to interfere.

Up to this time they had been so little troubled with the natives that they had ceased almost to think of a possible hostile encounter with them.

They were much interested in Quong's suit of chain mail, however, and from time to time awoke to enjoy the various verbal encounters between the judge and Mr. Tutt.

We have seldom heard of a more dangerous encounter with bears, and we are happy to say that Mr. Burke received no injury; Mr. Jacob Harrison, although torn severely, and having three ribs broken, recovered under the care of an Indian doctor of the Algonquin tribe.

QUENTIN ROOSEVELT LOSES HIS LIFE On Sunday July 14th, 1918, a violent encounter took place between German battleplanes and American Air forces trying to break through the German defense over the Marne.

I, too, go about armed, and it is by no means certain that I might not have had the best of any little encounter with our friend who you say was hiding there.

Ferdinand soon perceived that they animated the fiery Moors with fresh zeal and courage, while they cost the lives of many of his bravest cavaliers; he again, therefore, forbade the acceptance of any individual challenges, and ordered that all partial encounters should be avoided.

No such unpleasant encounter occurred; and the margin of the forest was gained, without any appearance of the foe, and seemingly without discovery.

Gallant encounter with a wounded one.

A sanguinary encounter with bears took place in the vicinity of Tara-height, on the Madawaska river, a few years since: "A trap had been set by one of the men, named Jacob Harrison, who, being out in search of a yoke of oxen on the evening in question, saw a young bear fast in the trap, and three others close at hand in a very angry mood, a fact which rendered it necessary for him to make tracks immediately.

119 adjectives to describe  encounter