81 adjectives to describe equality

Religious equality paved the way for political equality, and as all Christians were brothers before God, the tendency was for them to become, as citizens, equal also in law.

"You can't have absolute equality in sacrifice.

He continued, in a modified form, the religious privileges conceded by the Edict of Nantes; but he kept a strict watch, humiliated the body by withholding civil equalities and offices in the army and navy, treating with disdain their ministers, and taking away their social rank, so that they became plebeian and unimportant.

They are not grown to that point of development yet, and it is better that they should learn helpfulness and brotherhood within somewhat narrow bounds than perhaps not learn these things at all in the open and indiscriminate field of universal equality.

We do not find intellectual equality of souls.

Gradually the tradesmen, the middle classes, forced their way to practical equality with the nobles.

As one ground for this conjecture, he took notice of the sect of ; which he said was a respectable class of people, who carried their ethics beyond the mere equality of men, extending their humanity to the claims of the whole animal creation.

Upon this principle the whole art of performing chemical experiments depends; we must always suppose an exact equality between the elements of the body examined and those of the products of its analysis.

Tenths and Customs Communities Exempted But, side by side with this essential equality of rights, there was established a distinction, very important in its effects, between the Italian communities on the one hand and the transmarine communities on the other.

After the meeting of the Conference I made the following memorandum of the situation: "At the Plenary Session of the Peace Conference this afternoon Baron Makino spoke of his proposed amendment to the Covenant declaring 'racial equality,' but said he would not press it.

Again, the depopulation of the South of large numbers of its white inhabitants, from the cause mentioned under the fourth head, would, it is apprehended, bring the two classes to something like a numerical equality.

" If the dog had organs of speech or an instrument like the hand by which to place himself in closer relation to the outer world, he would doubtless be on a footing of mental equality with man, according to Mr. Laing.

Some dislike it, because they think that it endangers the modern notions of democratic equality.

When the Conference of London declared Belgium to be a permanently neutral country, there was apparent equality of power on each side of the stone.

He charged the Republicans with intent to abolish slavery in the States; said their opposition to the Dred Scott decision was a desire for negro equality and amalgamation; and prescribed his dogma of popular sovereignty as a panacea for all the ills growing out of the slavery agitation.

Turning to another but kindred question, I said "Your marriage contract, like our own laws, appears to favour the weaker sex more than strict theoretical equality would permit.

Announce the sublime and solacing doctrine of theocratic equality.

As far as I can understand, the National Labor Union carried on little active work between conventions, but at these gatherings it stood for equal pay for equal work, although, as it appears to us, inconsistently and short-sightedly the delegates refused to incorporate into their resolutions the demand for the ballot as a needful weapon in the hands of women in their strivings after industrial equality.

The advocates of female equality made a very hard fight for equal culture; but the physical consequences were perfectly clear and perfectly intolerable.

The visionary equality of metaphysical impostors is become a substantial onenot constituted by abundance and freedom, but by want and oppression.

He spent some time there and in France, moving on a footing of honorable equality among the distinguished abolitionists of those countries.

But whichever of the two views you take, you must concede that the essence of the duel is an armed equality.

By proclaiming these doctrines, by carrying them out in his own pure life and typical death, and by founding religio-ethical associations on the principle of brotherly equality, Christ selected the means best fitted for the attainment of his purpose, the salvation of human souls.

She boldly proclaimed herself the example of the world, and all nations were invited to see her glory, and enjoy her blessed liberty and her glorious equality.

It is beyond the power of man to make a system of government like ours or any other operate with precise equality upon States situated like those which compose this Confederacy; nor is inequality always injustice.

81 adjectives to describe  equality