25 adjectives to describe ex

" "Aydress them, too, my lads"added the venerable ex-serjeant.

Our unknown ex-president: a portrait of Herbert Hoover.

We shall put up a bedroom or two (all we want) for occasional ex-rustication, where we shall visit,not be visited.

By Autumn he had fallen so into the habit of going to the forester's house that he was oftener there than at his own; and the Head Forester, not knowing to what love of fishing to attribute these visits, often found himself embarrassed at being obliged to refuse the multiplicity of presents which the worthy ex-magistrate (he himself being very much at home) begged of him to accept in compensation for his daily hospitality.

But, as one of the most bitterly and unjustly assailed ex-Ministers has said, "personal reputations must wait till the end of the War."

Lord Ampthill, for instance, the athletic ex-governor of Madras, said the other day: 'From an individual struggle, a struggle of families, of communities, and nations, the struggle for existence has now advanced to a struggle of empires.' Times, Jan. 22, 1908.

The brave old ex-chief of the 6th Legion, Colonel Forestier, came in.

This clumsy German ex-diplomat amused him immensely.

Is it fair to the majority, who are willing to go on, put up more money, and make an attempt to save the property, to have this complainantan ex-convict who never paid a cent for his stock, dug up from heaven knows whereenjoin their contract and throw the corporation into the hands of a receiver?

I am not aware that any relationship existed between them and our distinguished ex-President.

"Your distracted and broken-hearted ex-friend, "J.R. ROSS-ELLISON.

But so vast a fund for distribution attracted the inevitable horde of small lawyers and pension agents, who swelled the lists with multitudes of sham veterans and able-bodied "cripples," until many eminent ex-soldiers cried out for a purgation of that which should be a list of honor.

As soon as they were alone, the adipose ex-censor of the highest board said:"My son, have you thought of wedding this maiden?" "Nothing shall divert me from that purpose, O my father," confidently answered Mien-yaun.

There is no doubt that an effort will be made to secure the repeal of the Fifteenth Amendment, and thus forestall the development of the wealthy and educated Negro, whom the South seems to anticipate as a greater menace than the ignorant ex-slave.

About 33 years since there was a conquest somewhat Norman in Preston and the neighbourhood; and the "William" of it was an industrious ex-joiner.

He went through all the various manifestations of despair, but without producing the slightest effect upon the inexorable ex-censor of the highest board.

"But I don't want to leave home," I heard a little ex-fusemaker say as we stood in queues at the chicken-wire hatch in the big bare room turned over by the ministry of munitions for the replacement of women who had worked on army supplies.

"I think the court should be informed at the outset that this man, Barrows, is a notorious ex-convict.

There was a party of four Englishmen on board, and, on making their acquaintance, I found one of them to be a friend to some of my friendsSir John Potter, the progressive ex-Mayor of Manchester.

Danny had been trained by his jocker, an ugly ex-convict, who on account of his ape-like face had been dubbed "Jocko", to peddle needle cases from house to house.

" "This is more like the wary grey-headed ex-pounder of wisdom than like the hot-headed Gaetano Grimaldi of old!"

Peter, the first, as we have seen, offered a crown to Martha Skovronski, a Livonian scullery-maid, who succeeded him on the throne; the second Catherine gave her hand as well as her heart to Patiomkin, the gigantic, ill-favoured ex-sergeant of cavalry; and Elizabeth, daughter of Peter and his kitchen-Queen, proved herself worthy of her parentage when she made Alexis Razoum, a peasant's son, husband of the Empress of Russia.

" "You are admirablean ex-paart!"

She read the naïve solicitation of the alleged ex-officer of the B.E.F., who had won through the war with every known decoration except the Double Cross of the Order of St. Gall and with nothing of his anatomy left whole except his cheek, begging some great-hearted soul to buy him a barrel organ to play in the streets.

" "It would be wise, Señor," observed the amiable Colombian ex-diplomat.

25 adjectives to describe  ex