29 adjectives to describe executioner

How those old Romans were affected, those ten persecutions may be a witness, and that cruel executioner in Eusebius, aut lita aut morere, sacrifice or die.

The only return he made when his brutal executioners struck and abused him was, to pray for them in the most touching manner: he turned his face once towards his Mother, who was standing overcome with grief; this look quite unnerved her: she fainted, and would have fallen, had not the holy women who were there supported her.

"Art thou, in truth, an hereditary executioner?"

The barbarous executioners dragged him up by the cords which they had fastened round his waist, and then untied the arms of the cross, and threw them on the ground.

"The knife is broken," whispered the mock executioner in Frank's ear, "so it may accidentally fall and cut you.

In these cases the Cameronians imagined themselves the direct and inspired executioners of the vengeance of heaven.

It was all Faruskiar's fault, and were it only for having wrecked my reportorial endeavors he ought to be hanged by the most fantastic executioner in China.

The hardened executioner drew tight the cords, bound Mr. Judson fast, and dragged him off I knew not whither.

They again knelt upon him, tied down his arms, and drove the second nail into his left hand; his blood flowed afresh, and his feeble groans were once more heard between the blows of the hammer, but nothing could move the hard-hearted executioners to the slightest pity.

II.Julian the Emperor Gallus had fallen at the hands of the imperial executioner, and Julian had been banished to the army in Gaul.

Be sure thou hast not, murderous bloodsucker, To jealous envy executioner.

It was my pow'rfull arte produc'd those monsters To drowne those monstrous executioners That should have wrought your wracke.

When the French decreed the extinction of the tribe of curs that infest the streets, no native executioner could be found to put the exterminating law in force; nay, the very measure excited popular indignation.

The rebellious individual has to brave a disciplined host; there are spies who will report his doings, a local authority who will send a detachment of soldiers to drag him to trial; there are prisons ready built to hold him, civil authorities wielding legal powers of stripping him of all his possessions, and official executioners prepared to torture or kill him.

Chrysostom, in his seventeenth epistle to Olympia, describes it to be "a cruel torture of the soul, a most inexplicable grief, poisoned worm, consuming body and soul, and gnawing the very heart, a perpetual executioner, continual night, profound darkness, a whirlwind, a tempest, an ague not appearing, heating worse than any fire, and a battle that hath no end.

Lists were posted everywhere, and it was a common saying among the ruffianly executioners, 'His fine home was the death of such an one, his gardens of another, his hot baths of a third,' for they hunted down men for their wealth more than from revenge.

In Cagayan their fear of the forces in Nueva Vizcaya kept them from showing such unqualifiable excesses of cruelty and nameless barbarities, but the triumph of the Katipúnan arms in Nueva Vizcaya completely broke down the wall of restraint which somewhat repressed those sanguinary executioners thirsting to fatten untrammelled on the innocent blood of unarmed and defenceless men.

"When like ceremonies had been passed through with the others, the three martyrs were delivered to the secular executioner, and, amid the scoffs and jeers of the brutal crowd, turned their faces to the gibbet.

He foresaw, perhaps, that anarchy would be followed by military despotism; but he never anticipated a Napoleon Bonaparte, or the military greatness of a nation so recently ground down by Jacobin orators and sentimental executioners.

His devils are spiteful, ugly executioners.

His devils are spiteful, ugly executioners.

"[30] Be this as it may, the picture was in Venice, in the Casa Grimani di Santo Ermagora, in Ridolfi's day (1646), and that writer specially mentions the unfinished executioner.

"Well, but, Seignior, (said I) if I sell the ship in this manner, I may bring some innocent persons into the same dangers I have gone through, perhaps worse, even death itself; whereby I should be as guilty of their murder as their villainous executioners."

No sooner did I grant his request, but away he runs to his enemy, and at one blow cut off his head as dextrously as the most accomplished executioner in Germany could have done; for, it seems, these creatures make use of wooden swords made of hard wood which will bear edge enough to cut off heads and arms at one blow.

At last his good fortune brought him a worthy executioner in Hather, the son of a prince whom he had slain.

29 adjectives to describe  executioner