108 adjectives to describe exposures

He could not protect the families of his most faithful adherents from constant exposure, in spite of his vigilant activity, to the outrages of the detested infidels.

Then began the double exposure of the Southern force to fire in the front and on the flank which required a steady falling back until the entire Italian army was moving towards newly-established positions farther West.

Small dim patches may be found as low as 3000 feet on the driest and most enduring portions of sheer walls with a southern exposure, and on compact swelling bosses partially protected from rain by a covering of large boulders.

Here is a case of heart disease consequent on a rheumatic fever that followed a reckless exposure.

We must risk a little exposure, or act in the dark.


See how penance, and voluntary suffering, and unnecessary exposure of the health, and eager attention to the sick in loathsome and contagious diseases, and the severest and most protracted fastings and vigils, enter into their piety; and how these extorted popular admiration, and received the applause and rewards of the rulers of the Church.

Sometimes, however, it may be fairly traced to a careless exposure to cold: under such circumstances the child should be instantly, and without hesitation, put into the warm bath.

In April he took another cold from severe exposure, and fever set in,to relieve which bleeding was again resorted to, and often repeated.

He professed to be sick, to have suffered a relapse owing to incautious exposure so soon after his long illness.

In winter, and especially late in the winter, sheep frequent southern and southwestern exposures, and spend much of their time there.

So as regards different photographs of the same person, those accidental momentary expressions are got rid of, which an ordinary photograph made by a brief exposure cannot help recording.

In December, 1799, Washington caught cold from imprudent exposure, and died on the 14th day of the month after a short illness,not what we should call a very old man.

I have great satisfaction in making this statement of our affairs, because the course of our national policy enables me to do it without any indiscreet exposure of what in other governments is usually concealed from the people.

The carriage is a valuable piece of furniture, requiring all the care of the most delicate upholstery, with the additional disadvantage of continual exposure to the weather and to the muddy streets. 2216.

The great feature of the second siege of Paris was the prudence exercised in manoeuvring the men so as to protect them from needless exposure, practical experience in German encounters having taught the line a severe lesson.

" Cook says that some of the men suffered from fever brought on by the unavoidable exposure to cold and wet, but it was slight, and "happily yielded to the simplest remedies."

Forced by their climate to seek comfort in the amount and thickness of their apparel, they have developed an excessive modesty in regard to bodily exposure which is in striking contrast to people who live on the warm sands of the South Seas.

"The only means of extrication from this dilemma, appeared to be that of finding some pretext to satisfy the public vengeance, without hazarding the scandal of a judicial exposure.

"Their encampment, careless manner of moving, and unguarded exposure of their persons, are all against their being Indians.

On this occasion, Oglethorpe acted as aid-de-camp; and his active service in attendance upon Prince Eugene; his prompt attention to the orders dictated to him, or transmitted by him; his alertness and fidelity in communicating them; and his fearless exposure to imminent peril in passing from one division of the army to another, gained him commendatory acknowledgments and the increased favor of his Serene Highness.

The details of how he survived the prolonged exposure, of where he had been, or of how he covered the great distance from one camp to the other, including an immense detour of the lake on foot since he had no canoeall this remains unknown.

" "What an outrageously frank exposure of a universally concealed sentiment!

This may be the most proper place for observing that great care ought to be taken, at the birth of the child, to prevent a too sudden exposure of the tender organ of vision to the light.

In Shoshone Land one digs for large timber; that is in the southerly, sandy exposures.

108 adjectives to describe  exposures