23 adjectives to describe faire

Géronte's reiterated complaint 'Que diable allait-il faire dans cette galère?'Les Fourberies de Scapin (1671), ii, VII; and the phrase in Cyrano de Bergerac's Le Pédant Joué (1654): 'Ha! que diable, que diable aller faire en cette galère?...

But it hurt the Marquis very much, as some of the hairs had to be pulled out, and it did not mend matters Hippolyte muttering, "Cela doit être que Monsieur le Marquis doit faire plus attention à l'affaire qu'il a en main, s'il désire garder ses cheveux intacts.

"Il s'en faut bien que nous commissions tout ce que nos passions nous font faire!"

Ne pourriez-vous pas m'en donner une dont vous n'auriez que faire, et je la lui enverrais?" Qu'est-ce que la mère

II engagea également ses camarades à me parler; mais ils eurent beau faire, je les laissai partir et demeurai.

Corresponding with this doctrine is the economic policy of extreme laissez faire.

Of all the race of silver-winged flies Which doo possesse the empire of the aire, Betwixt the centred earth and azure skies Was none more favourable nor more faire, 20 Whilst heaven did favour his felicities, Then Clarion, the eldest sonne and haire Of Muscaroll, and in his fathers sight Of all alive did seeme the fairest wight.

Ce discours m'étonna beaucoup; il me fit faire des réflexions sur l'étrange sujettion le Turc tient la Macédoine et la Bulgarie, l'empereur de Constantinople et les Grecs, le despote de Rascie et ses sujets.

Orisa was a faire kingdome and trustie, through the which a man might haue gone with golde in his hande without any daunger at all, as long as the lawefull King reigned which was a Gentile, who continued in the citie called Catecha, which was within the lande size dayes iourney.

With that exception, however, he was in full court costume and stumped his way about the Galérie des Glaces with his accustomed savoir faire, attracting almost as much attention and interest as Mr. Jefferson.

~A Kiss.~ "A kiss it is a poeme faire."Old

Il aura pourtant beau faire, je déclare que je renonce à tous[105] procès avec vous, que je ne veux, pour arbitre de notre discussion, que vous et vos gens d'affaires, et que j'aime mieux perdre tout que de rien disputer.

Generally speaking, they were rural pastors,living on salaries so small as to afford hardly a nominal support; and in order to bring up their families and give their sons a college education, it was necessary to understand fully the practical savoir faire.

Full many a ladie faire, in court full oft 105 Beholding them, him secretly envide, And wisht that two such fannes, so silken soft And golden faire, her Love would her provide; Or that, when them the gorgeous flie had doft, Some one that would with grace be gratifide 110 From him would steale them privily away, And bring to her so precious a pray.

[Sidenote: closet | dreg'd] Go seeke him out, speake faire, and bring the body Into the Chappell.

It is the mastery of spiritual savoir-faire.

These scenes are unmistakably scènes à faire, dictated by the logic of the theme; but they belong to a conception of art in which the free rhythms of life are ruthlessly sacrificed to the needs of a demonstration.

If the mere accumulation of material wealth, regardless alike of the mode of production or of the distribution, be regarded as the industrial goal, it is quite conceivable that a policy of utter laissez faire might be the best means of securing that end.

X. Hard by a rivers side a virgin faire, Folding her armes to heaven with thousand throbs, And outraging her cheekes and golden haire, To falling rivers sound thus tun'd her sobs.

Vous avez fondé notre bonheur pour la vie en me laissant faire: c'est un mariage unique; c'est une aventure dont le seul récit est attendrissant; c'est le coup de hasard le plus singulier, le plus heureux, le plus... MARIO.

le territoire neutre doit être à l'abri de toutes les entreprises des belligérants de quelque nature qu'elles soient; les neutres ont le droit incontestable de s'opposer par tous les moyens en leur pouvoir, même par la force des armes, à toutes les tentatives qu'un belligerant pourrait faire pour user de leur territoire."

No otherwise than raynie cloud, first fed With earthly vapours gathered in the ayre, Eftsoones in compas arch't, to steepe his hed, Doth plonge himselfe in Tethys bosome faire, And, mounting up againe from whence he came, With his great bellie spreds the dimmed world,

est la scène à faire?"

23 adjectives to describe  faire