6 adjectives to describe farmsteads

There are the slow teams pulling stolidly at the ploughsthey were stopped, of course, for the carters to stare at the equipage; there are the wheat ricks; yonder a lone farmstead, and black cattle grazing in the pasture.

The things gave the lonely farmstead an exotic touch, but they implied the command of money and cultivated taste.

Gray remarked on the absence of red roofs, gentlemen's houses, and garden-walls, and on the uniform character of the humble farmsteads and gray cottages under their sycamores in the vales.

But in outlying farmsteads in the zone of fire, and in isolated cottages which had been struck by a chance shot, were other wounded men difficult to get.

Then from some remote farmstead there came the sound of a dog barking.

The bark of a watch-dog came softened by distance from some solitary farmstead, and far away below, the hoot of a steamer, creeping up the river to the twinkling anchorage.

6 adjectives to describe  farmsteads