10 adjectives to describe fayres

Why then doe ye, proud fayre, misdeeme so farre, That to your selfe ye most assured arre!

When my abodes prefixed time is spent, My cruell fayre streight bids me wend my way:

"He, noble bud, his grandsires livelie hayre, Under the shadow of thy countenaunce Now ginnes to shoote up fast, and flourish fayre In learned artes, and goodlie governaunce, 270 That him to highest honour shall advaunce.

Ful wel she sange the servicë devine, Entunëd in hire nose ful swetëly; And Frenche she spake ful fayre and fetisly After the scole of Stratford-attë-Bowe, For Frenche of Paris was to hire unknowe.

That which the earthe Dothe forebidd none, and freely yelds to all, A little fayre springe water.

Them seem'd they never saw a sight so fayre 60 Of fowles, so lovely, that they sure did deeme Them heavenly borne, or to be that same payre

His willing minde doth strive to make the peace Betwixt our discord thoughts; his free consent Is given to Lentulus; there, Tulley, take on holde, And, when a Sunne of thy intent shines fayre, Onset loves fort with polliticke assaults And conquer; conquest in obtaining that Where victors are repulsed.

What, am I younge, fruytfull, and somewhat fayre, And shall my pleasures beare the servyle yoake Of hys strycte rules and so chayne up my blood In manackles of ice?

The evenynge commes, and brynges the dewe alonge; The roddie welkynne sheeneth to the eyne; Arounde the alestake Mynstrells synge the songe; Yonge ivie rounde the doore poste do entwyne; I laie mee onn the grasse; yette, to mie wylle, Albeytte alle ys fayre, there lackethe somethynge stylle.

O fayrest fayre!

10 adjectives to describe  fayres