123 adjectives to describe fighter

If his first attempts at argument and dogma win him praise and esteem, if he proves himself a better fighter than an older boy next door, who has often bullied him, and if at the same time he comes into money, he is on the road to ruin.

SEE LAUGER, P. Mitin the moth fighter.

Such a spectacle was not unusual in the army then and afterwardthe rough fighters were often men of profound pietyand on this occasion the sight before him seems to have excited deep emotion in Lee.

and he stepped forward, but Eric caught him by the arm: "Messire," said he soft-voiced, "yonder be over five score lusty fellows, fierce and doughty fighters all, that live but to do the will of Tostig and do proclaim him chief since he hath proved himself full oft mightiest of all" "Ah," nodded Beltane, "a strong man!"

The two companies numbered about 225 men, and were commanded by General John E. Ross, a veteran Indian fighter, but too old to withstand the hardships of a winter campaign against Indians.

The thought of the schoolteacher having killed so formidable a fighter as Sandersen stuck in his mind as a thing too contrary to probability.

When Great Britain recognized that the war could not be won by merely sending splendid fighters to the front and meeting the wastage by steady drafts upon the manhood of the country, she began to build an efficient organization of industry at home.

Friendly fighter.

The only other professional fighters were four hundred blue-jackets and thirty-five marines of H.M.SS.

As may be supposed, the presence of so strange a people was entertained with no great degree of complaisance by the vicinage, and at last an old deed granting Pick-a-Neck-a-Sock to Captain Isaiah Applebody was revived by the heirs of that renowned Indian-fighter, whereupon the Free Grace Believers were warned to leave their bleak and rocky refuge for some other abiding-place.

O gentle paladin, O fair flower of lusty fighters, fall back and leave the rest to our comrades, to me and my good bow, here!"

Who took his place I never knew, but a stout fighter the lad was, wielding his cutlass viciously, so that we held them, with dead men littering every step to the cabin deck.

" Said Beltane, slow and thoughtful: "There be many outlaws within the green, wild men and sturdy fighters as I've heard.

He was a mighty fighter, as you may see by looking at his neck.

"I therefore earnestly hope that no fancy will arise about these dogs which will make them less hardy, less wise, less companionable, less active, or less desperate fighters underground than they are at present.

Nothing remained for him in The Corner, it seemed, except his position as a man of powera dangerous fighter.

So he once more looked down, filled with a sudden fear lest the gallant fighters in that adventurous bomber had paid dearly for their success.

In any case, Montgomery felt that of all the men concerned in such a fightpromoters, backers, spectatorsit is the actual fighter who holds the strongest and most honourable position.

The Afridis are fearless fighters, half-civilized, half-savage, and almost entirely supported by the subsidies they receive.

Of course odds of five to one were too great for even the most courageous and skilful fighter to face.

Captain Church, that indomitable Indian fighter, burst into the fort, dashed through it, and reached the swamp in the rear, where he poured a destructive fire into the enemy in retreat.

Usually the Indian was a wary fighter, always preferring ambush, and securing every possible advantage for himself, but now they rushed boldly across open spaces, seeking new and nearer coverts.

Individually they are brave men and magnificent fighters.

Instead of running from these fierce little fighters, he decided to meet them, and many people offered to help him, believing that the Anting-Anting would turn away all bullets and give them victory.

Here were five practised fighters who feared nothing between heaven and hell, but what could they avail him against a bodiless spirit?

123 adjectives to describe  fighter