32 adjectives to describe filles

Marie Stuart, sa petite-fille, chassée de son trône, fugitive en Angleterre, ayant langui dix-huit ans en prison, se vit condamnée à mort par des juges Anglais, et eut la tête tranchée.

Oh, talk of Him in solitary glooms Where o'er the rock the scarcely waving pine Fills the brown shade with a religious awe; And ye, whose bolder note is heard afar, Who shake the astonished world, lift high to heaven Th' impetuous song, and say from whom you rage.

The conversations everywhere are all absolutely "jeune fille"; never anything the least "risqué," though it is often amusing.

There is one passage, however, in the fifth part, in which Marivaux gives evidence of a frank and simple enjoyment of nature: "Nous nous promenions tous trois dans le bois de la maison;... et comme les tendresses de Valvilîe interrompaient ce que nous disions, cette aimable fille et moi, nous nous avisâmes, par un mouvement de gaîté, de le fuir, de l'écarter d'auprès de nous, et de lui jeter des feuilles que nous arrachions des bosquets.

Qui, cette nuit, eût vu s'habiller ces barons, Avant que la visière eût dérobé leurs fronts, Eût vu deux pages blonds, roses comme des filles.

Guerroyer, se chamailler pour rien, Pour un oui, pour un non, pour un dogme arien Dont le pape sournois rira dans la coulisse, Pour quelque fille ayant une peau fraîche et lisse, Des yeux bleus et des mains blanches comme le lait, C'était bon dans le temps

And, wethers, of this tender grass take, nothing coy, your fill: So, when it comes, the after-math shall find you feeding still.

When he was badthat is, when he had eaten his daily fill of the camp's scanty store (in such a little place it was not easy to hide from such a hunter as Kaviak)he was taken down to the Little Cabin, smacked, and made to say "Ow Farva."

At night a sound of singing The vast encampment fills; "Jerusalem!

I'll warrant you'll get your everlasting fill of log shanties and half-breeds and moose meat and this infernal snow and ice before spring comes.

B omits the fourth fill.

Ye sacred nine, that all my soul possess, Whose raptures fire me, and whose visions bless; Bear me, O bear me, to sequester'd scenes, The bow'ry mazes, and surrounding greens; To Thames's bank which fragrant breezes fill, Or where the muses sport on Cooper's-hill.

Why starved on earth our angel appetites, While brutal are indulged their fulsome fill? Were then capacities divine conferred As a mock diadem, in savage sport, Rank insult of our pompous poverty, Which reaps but pain from seeming claims so fair?

As when the north winds whistle shrill, And drifting snows each hollow fill, The source of pain and suffering great, So now it is in Wei's poor state, Let us join hands, and leave for aye, My friends and lovers all, 'Tis not a time will brook delay; Things for prompt action call.

He watched the lean Smith fill in the amount and sign the note, identifying the truck by its engine and license numbers, and he went and borrowed fifteen dollars from the proprietor of the Oasis and made up the amount.

And now her vase a modest Naiad fills With liquid crystal from her pebbly rills; Piles the dry cedar round her silver urn, 480 (Bright climbs the blaze, the crackling faggots burn), Culls the green herb of China's envy'd bowers, In gaudy cups the steamy treasure pours; And, sweetly-smiling, on her bended knee Presents the fragrant quintessence of Tea.

Nor do we complain that we have an old woman or a coarse merrymaking occasionally, but that such things in their monotonous meanness fill whole rooms of "George Eliot's" gallery; and, in truth, the real parallel to her is not to be found in the old Dutchmen who honestly painted what was before their eyes, but rather in the perverseness of our modern "pre-Raphaelites."

Lines like the following from the chorus, The Youth of the Year, show the quality for which his verse is most famous: "When the hounds of spring are on winter's traces, The mother of months in meadow or plain Fills the shadows and windy places With lisp of leaves and ripple of rain.

Our strength propels the busy mills, And all the land with plenty fills, They bring, some silverothers gold And shield the poor from winter's cold.

And lo! reclining on their runic shields The mighty Nornas now the portal fill; Three rosebuds fair which the same garden yields, With aspect serious, but charming still.

Quant aux filles, l'une est mariée au Turc, l'autre au comte de Seil; mais je ne les ai point vues, et ne puis rien en dire.

Guerroyer, se chamailler pour rien, Pour un oui, pour un non, pour un dogme arien Dont le pape sournois rira dans la coulisse, Pour quelque fille ayant une peau fraîche et lisse, Des yeux bleus et des mains blanches comme le lait, C'était bon dans le temps

GREYLOCK MAX EASTMAN '05 This whole, far-reaching host of ancient hills That all thy kingdom's rugged boundary fills, Yields thee unrivalled thy supremacy.

Every little dip in the hills has its watercourse, every vale its broader stream, and the pleasant sound of their murmurings and sweet babbling fills in the background of every remembrance of days spent upon the green slopes of the Cheviots.

So they continued to be foolhardy, took their thorough fill of that license which is always working to their detriment, and abused the good nature of the emperor.

32 adjectives to describe  filles