60 adjectives to describe flour

Put flakes of butter on top; sprinkle with a little flour; moisten with cream.

Cream 1 cup of butter with 2 cups of brown sugar; add 4 beaten eggs, 1 teaspoonful of soda dissolved in 1 large cup of strong coffee, 1 cup of molasses, 4 cups of sifted flour, 1/2 teaspoonful each of nutmeg, allspice, cloves and mace, 2 teaspoonfuls of cream of tartar sifted with 1/2 cup of flour, 1 cup of raisins, 1/2 cup of currants and chopped citron.

INGREDIENTS.1 tablespoonful of oil, 1/2 a glass of white wine, sufficient flour to thicken; 12 anchovies.

This article of food is nothing more than a thick paste, made of the best wheaten flour, with a small quantity of water.

INGREDIENTS.A hare fresh-killed, 1 lb. of lean gravy-beef, a slice of ham, 1 carrot, 2 onions, a faggot of savoury herbs, 1/4 oz. of whole black pepper, a little browned flour, 1/4 pint of port wine, the crumb of two French rolls, salt and cayenne to taste, 3 quarts of water.

Potatoes, added to unbolted wheat flour, make excellent bread; and so, as I am informed, does rice.

Some regiments had raw flour dealt them for rations and no bake-ovens to turn it into bread; some regiments had abundance of bread, but no coffee or meat rations.

The fruit separates into cones, and one chews the inner end like licorice, while, when dried, the kernels can be ground into a brown, sweet flour for cakes, a wholesome, nourishing food, but esteemed only in more barren islands, where fish and cocoanuts are the principal diet.

When ground, the wheat is sifted through three sieves, the last of these being so fine that only the pure flour can pass through it: this is of a pale apricot-colour.

Besides the above, sauces may be thickened with potato flour, ground rice, baked flour, arrowroot, &c.: the latter will be found far preferable to the ordinary flour for white sauces.

Put the eggs into one side of the scale, and take the weight of 8 in pounded loaf sugar, and the weight of 5 in good dry flour.

Stir in a dessert-spoonful flour and curry powder to taste, and pour on boiling water, stock, or gravy as required.

Pack the birds as closely as possible in a baking-pan, with plenty of butter over them, and cover with a coarse flour and water crust.

PICKETT, VICTOR G. The decline of northwestern flour milling.

The Chaldeans and the Egyptians were acquainted with it, and Sarah, the companion of Abraham, mixed flour and water together, kneaded it, and covered it with ashes on the hearth.

Early in the morning I took leave of my kind hostess, who, like a truly careful housewife, had wrapped up a roasted fowl, manioc flour, and a cheese for me, so that I was well provisioned on setting off.

The more gluten and the stronger it is, the better the flour.

Put a little butter in stewpan, slice and cook two onions in that, with the lid on, stir in a tablespoonful flour, and add the haricots, vegetables, and the liquor.

CREAM DRESSING Mix in double boiler 2 teaspoons flour 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon mustard 1 1/2 teaspoons powdered sugar and a Few grains cayenne; add 1 teaspoon butter and 1/3 cup vinegar.

"You use the kind of flour that is called 'prepared flour.'

A fine essential is to have good, reliable flour.

For the banana-eating Baganda find the rough grain flour much too coarse and irritating for their stomachs.

Mix 2 tablespoonfuls flour with 1/2 teacupful milk, 2 ozs.

There stood a barrel of herrings, and the flour, and all kinds of food-stuffs in the stable; better than lying out in the open, maybe, but the pork tasted of it already; a shed they must have, and that was clear.

They are by no means necessary when good flour is used, but bread made from inferior flour is improved by their use.

60 adjectives to describe  flour