312 adjectives to describe foe

" "Well, you'll see him within an hour," said Ringan, "It's a queer story, but it seems he fell in with a Monacan war party, and since he and Bacon had been fighting their deadly foes, the Susquehannocks, they treated him well, and brought him south into Carolina.

Every man was first a Frenchman in the face of a foreign foe, and if they could have stood firmly together in those first days after the war the strength of the country would have been wonderful.

For on that day the news had come That his fair Moorish maid Had wedded with his bitterest foe, The hated Albenzaide.

As bees bizz out wi' angry fyke, When plundering herds assail their byke; As open pussie's mortal foes, When, pop!

The most formidable foe of Abd-el-Kader reached the scene of action in October, 1845, bringing fresh forces, and in a week he took the field at the head of a hundred twenty thousand men.

A finished diplomatist, be it known, is one who is a dangerous foe and an unreliable friend.

He left bitter memories in France during the Franco-German War, was called the "Red Prince," he was so hard and cruel, always ready to shoot somebody and burn down villages on the slightest provocationso different from the Prince Imperial, the "unser Fritz" of the Germans, who always had a kind word for the fallen foe.

In person he was about six feet and one inch in height, straight as the straightest of the warriors whose implacable foe he was.

Numbers were ruined by their most intimate friends, and numbers were saved by their most inveterate foes.

He tossed his head, and stood for a few moments with heaving sides and dilated nostrils, facing in the direction his vanquished foe had taken.

When their vessels were descried, they were supposed to be Jewish traders according to some, African according to others, and British in the opinion of others; but the gifted monarch, perceiving by the build and lightness of the craft, that they bare not merchandise but foes, said to his own folk, 'These vessels be not laden with merchandise, but manned with cruel foes.'

Then it careened far over, but all the while its men stayed at the guns looking for their invisible foe.

The Poles began to win back territory from the German empire, and especially from their hereditary foes the "Teutonic Knights" of Prussia.

It was difficult, nay, almost impossible, to get a trusty messenger through that multitude of fierce and bloodthirsty foes; and yet it was of the utmost importance that Sir Colin should have some one to tell him what was passing within the Residency, and show him the best route by which his troops could approach.

Every rebel sympathizer driven from the North would strengthen the Union cause; ashes and salt sowed on the ground their insolent homes had desecrated, would be a holy reminder to the loyal, a warning to the secret foes of the Union.

And now, with that soft little handful of life snuggling close up against her, Gray Wolf saw through her blind eyes the tragic picture of that night more vividly than ever and she quivered at every sound, ready to leap in the face of an unseen foe, to rend all flesh that was not the flesh of Kazan.

But the object on which he was intent was an encounter with Ali Pasha, the foe most worthy of his sword.

The occurrences which had taken place during the period of Lord Dalhousie's government had established the prestige of the British arms as against external foes.

To avert the anger of the Lord, when Jerusalem was threatened by Nebuchadnezzar and his Babylonian host, the Jews had made a solemn to God, ratified by the ceremony of the calf, if He released them from their dreaded foe, to cancel the servitude of their Hebrew brethren.

But he had now to deal with a foe equally brave with Harald Hardrada and far more skilful and wary.

It was for her sake, no doubt, that I had made the Regent of Elcavoo my bitter, irreconcilable foe.

The Indians saw that they were overmatched, and that nothing but flight could save the remainder of their party; they therefore uttered their wild war-cry once more, and commenced a rapid retreat down the hill, pausing several times to send back a volley of arrows on their victorious foes; which, however, fell harmless to the earth, though more than one was aimed at Rodolph, by the strong and skilful hand of Coubitant.

Therefore, if thy aim be still To rule, thy father's wish fulfil; Quickly trace the distant road; Quick invade the chiefs abode; Bind his feet, and bind his hands In a captive's galling bands; Bring him here, that all may know Thou hast quelled the mighty foe.

He knew not what an interest Romeo had in the dead, but knowing him to be a Mountague, and (as he supposed) a sworn foe to all the Capulets, he judged that he was come by night to do some villanous shame to the dead bodies; therefore in an angry tone he bade him desist; and as a criminal, condemned by the laws of Verona to die if he were found within the walls of the city, he would have apprehended him.

I have made sure of the fidelity of many of our bravest warriors; and when those who would have taken the white man's part, and followed him in obedience to Tisquantum's wishes, find that he is dead, they will readily take you for their leader, as the bravest of our tribe, and the most determined foe of the pale-faces.

312 adjectives to describe  foe