43 adjectives to describe forefingers

Using the forefinger of his right hand as a marker, he counted under his breath, "one" on his left thumb, then after a frowning interval, "two" on his left forefinger, "three" on the middle digit, and so on, giving time for thought to each number, until he had exhausted the fingers of his left hand and was ready to start on the right.

Finally Himes put down a stubby forefinger and stirred them meaninglessly.

"Let's see, what shall we tackle?" asked Mr. Pike, as he checked down the line with a rigid forefinger.

Joe Rix leaned forward, and to emphasize his point he stabbed one dirty forefinger into the fat palm of his other hand.

When he was nearer he desisted from twirling, shook a fat forefinger at Margaret and laughed.

Instead of putting the pans back, she tilted them up against the hopper, squatted down in front and with her slim forefinger, scraped down the sides and bottom of each pan so that she and Billy could scoop up and convey to their mouths, by means of their three crooked fingers, all that had not gone into the basket.

There were musical evenings, when Miss Abigail opened the melodeon and played "Old Hundred," and Abraham was encouraged to pick out with one stiff forefinger "My Grandfather's Clock."

"My opinion is," said Lethal, holding out his crooked forefinger like a claw, "that this soi-disant dukewhat the deuse is his name?" "Rosecouleur," interposed Adonaïs, in a tone of society.

" She shook an admonitory forefinger in his direction, and pouted in the most dangerous fashion.

The scene was a bare, plain, monotonous vault of a schoolroom, and the speaker's square forefinger emphasized his observation.

" Ormsby smote softly upon the edge of the table with an extended forefinger.

" He tapped the papers gently with a thin forefinger and returned them to their owner, who began to bluster.

In the midst of his calculations the man would interrupt him with a plump dirty forefinger pounced upon the paper.

Mrs. Heeny, swooping down on her bag, drew from it a handful of newspaper cuttings, which she spread on her ample lap and proceeded to sort with a moistened forefinger.

Bertie the Badgerin private life he was a consulting mining engineer with a beautiful office in Victoria Street and a nice taste in spatsscratched an earthy nose with a muddy forefinger.

It surprised and amused you, that grip, as does a baby's unexpected clutch on your patronising forefinger.

The old man laid a perplexed forefinger along his illuminated nose.

Selingman tapped on the table in front of him with his pudgy forefinger.

When the baby Tyler was one year old Clint had walked over to where his wife sat, the child in her lap, and had tilted her head back, kissed her on the lips, and had gently pinched the boy's roseleaf cheek with a quizzical forefinger and thumb.

With his rough forefinger he touched gently the tender curve of the girl's cheek.

Tump marked a sentence in the guaranty of the deed with a rusty forefinger and looked up at Peter in mixed triumph and accusation.

She saw the firelight again, and the pitiful, little figure of her poor, little brother as he poured over the picture, pointing with his sensitive forefinger to Pan's shape.

" She could and she did, grasping me confidentially by the arm (the mark remained on my sleeve for weeks) and pointing a shaking forefinger at the dead wall ahead.

There he crouched, still snarling softly until his master raised a significant forefinger.

"Now do you mind what I say, Miss Baker," said she, shaking her snuffy forefinger in Mrs. Baker's face; "Doctor Bugbee'll marry Tira Blake yet.

43 adjectives to describe  forefingers