11 adjectives to describe formulation

The Licensing of radio services in the United States, 1927 to 1947: a study in administrative formulation of policy.

The labours of physicists like Mach, Duhem, and Ostwald, point to alternative formulations of new hypotheses for the best established laws.

Contemporary social problems; a tentative formulation for teachers of social studies.

Fries's system is thus a union of Kantian positions with elements from Jacobi, in which the former experience deterioration, and the latter improvement, namely, more exact formulation.

Both these modes of imagining the truth, whatever their inconveniences, are helpful as imperfect formulations of Catholic instinct; both mischievous, if viewed as adequate and close-fitting explanations.

The most striking example of the pre-Mosaic formulation of custom into law under the sanction of the deity is found in the so-called code of Hammurabi, which comes from about 1900 B.C. At the top of the stele which records these laws this enlightened king depicted himself in a bas-relief as receiving them from the sun god, Shamash.

The Nicene Creed, drafted by an 'oecumenical' conference of bishops under the auspices of Constantine himself, was the last notable formulation of Ancient Greek philosophy.

The most striking example of the pre-Mosaic formulation of custom into law under the sanction of the deity is found in the so-called code of Hammurabi, which comes from about 1900 B.C. At the top of the stele which records these laws this enlightened king depicted himself in a bas-relief as receiving them from the sun god, Shamash.

But what is needed is a formulation much more representative, official and permanent than that, something that can be put beside President Wilson's clear rendering of the American idea.

The technical formulation of this view is contained in his Logic.

What is wanted in the training of a statesman is the fully conscious formulation and acceptance of those methods which will not have to be unlearned.

11 adjectives to describe  formulation