28 adjectives to describe franchises

Even the first petition for political enfranchisement urged it as the "duty of the women of this country to secure to themselves the elective franchise."

The second cause of our troubles lies, I believe, in the institution of universal suffrage founded on the theory (or dogma) that the electoral franchise is an inalienable right.

The women of the United Kingdom have enjoyed the municipal and county franchise for years.

In Servia women have a fragmentary local vote and are now organizing to claim the parliamentary franchise.

It was the first country in the world to grant the complete universal franchise to women.

"Among us Germans not only the national but even the commercial franchise is denied, and even a share in the industrial and commercial courts.

This grossness of behavior has long existed under the palliating description of "la franchise Picarde," ["Picardy frankness."

Nor can it alter certain things,for example, the native franchise of the Cape, and the equal status of the two languages,without a special majority vote.

Raise the fallenat least, save the growing womanhoodstop the destruction that rushes accelerating on, before you challenge new difficulty and danger with an indiscriminate franchise.

For instance, the State of Massachusetts in 1827 granted a perpetual franchise to a corporation to make beer.

The Prussian answer to this is that, without a redistribution of seats, this is barely conceivable; and that, were it to take place, the Reichstag would promptly be dissolved for new elections on a narrower franchise.

" Ireland is to have the extended franchise conferred by the Representation of the People Bill, but not the accompanying redistribution of seats.

This is no doubt due, at least in part, to the difference in the respective franchises.

The twenty-six articles of this act consolidate the indissoluble connection of the United Provinces; each preserving its separate franchises, and following its own good pleasure on the subject of religion.

But all these diversities and varieties were now swept away, and a uniform franchise was established, all tenants whose rent amounted to £10 receiving the franchise in boroughs, while by a kindred amendment, which was forced on the ministers at a very early stage of the measure, tenants at will whose tent amounted to £50 became entitled to vote in the counties.

In Salt Lake City when a city council undertakes to give away a valuable water franchise, or extend gamblers' privileges, or otherwise follow the example of many another city council in bending before the god of greed, the women of Salt Lake send the word around.

Vous me flattez; vous encouragez ma franchise.

Inasmuch as the recommended law requires taxes to be paid upon the full value of the corporate franchise, which is, at least to some extent, measured by the amount of capitalization, there will always be this very potent reason for keeping capitalization at the lowest possible point.

The right to vote was given by Governor Carleton to all males of twenty-one years of age who had been three months in the province, the object of this very democratic franchise being to include in the voting list settlers who were clearing their lands, but had not yet received their grants.

They demand the direct, equal and secret franchise for all legislative bodies, full equality in the communes and in legal representation of their interests.

There were privileged provinces and those administered arbitrarily by the Crown, there were a multiplicity of internal tariffs, and endless municipal franchises and monopolies, so much so that economists estimated that, through artificial restraints, one-quarter of the soil of France lay waste.

That is, all exclusive franchises whereby rights in the streets, or other rights of the public, are given away to a corporation organized for purposes of gain.

He consequently placed before his colleagues a measure which based the franchise on the occupation of houses rated at £5, coupled with several antidotes to the democratic tendencies of such a change in the shape of "fancy franchises," which gave votes to men of certain educational and financial qualifications.

* * It is the severe lot of genius that its blessedness should be its bane; that that wherein its heavenly franchise gives it to excel mankind is the point wherein it should be cursed above its brethren!"

The thirty-seven members of the Lower House were, of course, to be electedon a franchise liberal though not universal.

28 adjectives to describe  franchises