21 adjectives to describe freedman

Thereafter the actual education of the colored people was largely confined to eastern cities and northern communities of transplanted freedmen.

] Men were shot, houses burned, horses stolen, and negroes kidnapped; even the unfortunate freedmen of color were hurried off and sold into slavery.

" "I've a cousin down in North Carolina teaching the little freedmen.

Numbers, of whom Vinicianus was one, committed suicide, for Messalina and Narcissus and all the latter's fellow freedmen seized this opportunity to wreak their direst vengeance.

[In the course of the armed combat of gladiators many foreign freedmen and British captives fought.

In a like spirit the previous equalization of the freedmen with the free-born in the right of voting was set aside at this time, and even the freehold freedmen were assigned to the four urban tribes.

He remembered then to protect the honest freedmen who had sent him warningstrode to a fire near a caterer's booth and burned the letter, stared at by the slaves who warmed their shins around the embers.

It was not the only instance of such an attitude, but he also refused to allow all the other imperial freedmen either to be insolent or to swagger; for this he was commended.

" "Don't you think," Louis said to an intelligent freedman, "that the rebels are your best friends?"

The only recorded fact of his early life is that he was a slave in Rome, and his master was Epaphroditus, a profligate freedman of the Emperor Nero.

The educational privileges which the colored people there enjoyed, however, were largely paid for by the progressive freedmen themselves.

Furthermore, restless freedmen, denied political privileges and prohibited from teaching their children, did not always choose to go to Africa.

This had gone on long before any sarcastic freedman from Phrygia had or had not been flung off a precipice; this has remained long after.

This arrangement left the power of regulating the suffrage in the hands of the several states, where it still remains, save for the restriction imposed in 1870 for the protection of the southern freedmen.

No doubt the superb freedman, who had been allowed so rich a share of the flatteries lavished on his master, would take the opportunityif not out of good nature, at least out of vanity,to retail them in the imperial ear.

All refused with horror; till at nightfall a trusty Greek freedman named Strato held the sword, and his master threw himself upon it.

He made each person speak his own idiom: the uneducated freedmen, the vulgar Latin argot of the streets; the strangers, their barbarous patois, the corrupt speech of the African, Syrian and Greek; imbecile pedants, like the Agamemnon of the book, a rhetoric of artificial words.

But the work which enlisted this indefatigable woman's warmest sympathies, and which was the last active charity in which she engaged, was that of begging cast-off clothing for the destitute freedmen of Charleston and Florida.

[Footnote 1: This statement is based on the accounts of various western freedmen.

The way in was known only to two devoted freedmen of his, who set fire to the buildings, and spread a report that Sabinus had poisoned himself, and that his dead body had been devoured by the flames.

Two men named Roscius procured the assassination of a third of the same name by Sulla's favourite freedman, Chrysogonus, who then got the name of Roscius put on the proscription list, and, seizing on his property, expelled the man's son from it.

21 adjectives to describe  freedman