22 adjectives to describe freshmen

" The triumphant freshmen felt like shouting and singing in jubilant mood.

"Every little freshman thinks he can buy a pair of moleskins and be a football man.

There was a bang at the door, which flew open as if assaulted by a catapault, and into the room poured the disguised freshmen.

Then the unfortunate freshman was used worse than ever.

That was the cry that came from the determined freshmen.

rah!" yelled several of the enthusiastic freshmen.

He was out again in a very few seconds, with a crowd of excited freshmen at his heels; but when they came to look for the sophomores and Rattleton they found nothing.

Below in the street admonitory thumps upon the great drum, with its college coat-of-arms on the head, were heard, and a moment later the shouts of the exuberant freshmen and their allies were drowned in the first strains of the college song.

Ditson seemed to think he was doing something very smart and cunning in betraying a fellow freshman into the hands of the sophomores.

Now, when it's too lateThirty years ago, and more, when I was a green, frightened freshman from Vermont, he took me to his heart.

gurgled the helpless freshman, spluttering water from his mouth.

When Ted had been a junior and Pinky a freshman at the Winnebago High School the crayon portraits had beamed down upon them from the living-room wall.

cheerfully called the lively freshman as he darted behind the table.

" By being off at school together J.W. and Marty gave each other unconfessed but very real moral support in those first days when a lone freshman would have known he was homesick.

With cries of amazement the alarmed sophomores broke and scattered before the oncoming freshmen.

Millington had kept three terms, when I arrived at College, a shy and gawky freshman; we had been previously acquainted, and he, pitying perhaps my youth and inexperience, patronized his playmate, and I became his chum.

With this object in view, he gathered ten stout freshmen and had them come to his room early on the evening mentioned.

He pretended that he was far more exclusive than the average freshman, and he tried to imitate the ways of the juniors and seniors, some of whom had swell apartments.

Merriwell's peculiar, pleasant laugh was heard as the two unsuspecting freshmen approached.

He admitted to Bruce that he felt an almost irresistible desire to strike the cool freshman whenever they met.

" This they soon saw was true, and it gave them great relief, for it had begun to seem that the crazy freshmen actually meant to roast them.

In an instant that subdued dining apartment was tumultuous with vocal outcry, drawing to the doorway a crowd of curious freshmen who were finishing dinner in their room.

22 adjectives to describe  freshmen