256 adjectives to describe function

He had been a servant; and the admiral, noting his ability, had intrusted him with some judicial functions.

The human body, materially considered, is a beautiful piece of mechanism, consisting of many parts, each one being the centre of a system, and performing its own vital function irrespectively of the others, and yet dependent for its vitality upon the harmony and health of the whole.

Mathematical tables of elementary and some higher mathematical functions; including trigonometric functions of decimals of degrees and logarithms.

You propose to clothe judges with the highest legislative functions, since you give them an absolute negative on legislation, and yet you decline to impose on them the responsibility to a constituency, which constrains other legislators.

The resultant inconvenience was not of much account during peace, but became of importance in war, and as the war progressed the Chief of the Staff gradually exercised executive functions, orders which were not of the first importance being issued by the Staff in accordance with the policy approved generally by the First Sea Lord.

Though these defects are not produced ex opere operato, they nevertheless are real, and are an encouragement to priests, whose human frailty prevents the perfect performance even of the most sacred functions of their priestly office.

Among them as commanders of growth, development and normal function, it holds the balance of power.

I was very pleased (as we knew him very well and he was always charming to us) but much surprised, as the Orleans princes never remained for supper at any big official function.

He told one of my friends that one of his principal functions was to accompany Madame Waddington to all the charity sales, carrying a package of women's chemises under his arm.

These ceaseless processes are greatly modified by the activity of the bodily functions.

Obligingly Mr. Swain repeated his lecture, and Lanyard, learning for himself with considerable surprise what a highly complicated instrument of precision is the modern compass, and that the binnacle has essential functions entirely aside from supporting the compass and housing it from the weather, could hardly blame his sister for being confused.

No "commissions," unpaid or otherwise, should be permitted, all the administrative functions of government being performed by the various departments and their subordinate bureaux.

This, then, is the double function of the process of respiration.

In learning their rôle so well in the course of evolution, the thyroid, the pituitary and the suprarenal have become indispensable stimulants (in various degrees peculiar to the individual), to the primary function of the ovary.

The conscious use of the creative power of thought consists in the attainment of the power of Thinking in the Absolute, and this can only be attained by a clear conception of the interaction between our different mental functions.

Ambrose, indeed, had rebuked Theodosius, and set in defiance the empress when she interfered with his spiritual functions; and Leo had laid the corner-stone of the Papacy by instituting a divine right to his decrees.

The organic functions, such as are under the direct control of the sympathetic nervous system,circulation, respiration, and digestion,are diminished in activity during sleep.

When you are making use of the common people (for State purposes), be as if you were taking part in a great religious function.

On January 19 and 26, 1750, Whitefield and Wesley took part in combined services; Wesley reading prayers and Whitefield preaching on the former, these respective functions being reversed on the latter date.

On another page of the same issue a long official army order to the Press is given in which this paragraph occurs: "All news given out by Wolff's Telegraph-Bureau may only be quoted literally as they stand and the source named by the initials W.T.-B." It is thus clear that the news-agency mentioned performs two separate functions, although the German army authorities do not draw this distinction.

Seven place natural trigonometrical functions.

"I don't wonder you couldn't remember that!" CHAPTER II THE GENERAL REMEMBERS Amongst other various, and no doubt useful, functions, Miss Delia Wall performed that of gossip and news agent-general to the village of Inkston.

The digestive functions possess great energy during the period of youth: the body, to develop itself, needs nourishment.

The regulation of human intercourse, the delimiting of rights and privileges, protection of life and property, the codifying of laws, vague, various and conflicting, the making of new laws and the enforcing of those that have taken organic form; all these and an hundred other governmental functions, appeal strongly to the mind and touch closely on personal interests.

The law has performed its entire appropriate function when it extends to the people the right of suffrage, but it can not compel the performance of that duty.

256 adjectives to describe  function