7 adjectives to describe functionings

The development and normal functioning of the intellect, the pure reason as Kant called it, are controlled by them.

The frictionless functioning of this whole system is effected by everyone adhering to the rites, which prescribe every important action.

Moreover, in case of impaired functioning of the physical organs or parts, and impaired activity of the physical body, its limbs, etc., if we can manage to arouse the activities of the astral body we may cause it to re-materialize or re-energize the physical body, and thus restore health and activity to it.

Perhaps the most outstanding aspect of the dynamic functioning of civilization is its growth in magnitude.

Even fleeting thoughts of other elements seem to prevent the inventive functioning of the mind.

When this condition exists with abundant natural resources, such as often may be found in what we term a new country, it furnishes the chance for the most vigorous functioning of whatsoever may be the dominant qualities inherent in the tendencies and aspirations of a people.

There results a condition of temporary or chronic adrenal insufficiency, supposedly an insufficient functioning of the gland as a whole.

7 adjectives to describe  functionings