50 adjectives to describe gal

Paris for me and a little gal to learn the language from.

'If he'd been doing 'is dooty, the pore gal wouldn't 'ave been drownded.

My cross eyed gal, by Gene Autry and Jimmy Long.

My cross eyed gal, by Gene Autry and Jimmy Long.

"'Other one?' I ses, 'wot other one?' "Cap'n Tarbell shook his 'ead and smiled like a silly gal.

One day when I was ten years old, my old mistress take me over to her daughter and say 'I brought you a little nigger gal to rock de cradle.' I'se one hundred and four years old now.

Hetty Maria Clapp's jest got home from Bunkertown, that's tew mile from Roxbury, 'n' she told Miss Lucas that Miss Perrit, whose sister's son keeps a grocer's store to Roxbury, told that Mr. Boynton, their teacher to the 'Cademy, was waitin' on Miss Roxany Sharp's cousin, a dreadful pretty gal, who'd come down from Boston to see Roxany, an' liked it

'Yer a brave gal, now, whoever ye are!' said the man.

I onced saw a light colored gal tied to the rafters of a barn, and her master whipped her until blood ran down her back and made a large pool on the ground.

No true Spaniard would permit himself to sing of his "coal-black lady" or his "cute little yallar gal"; and, if he did, he would be ostracized.

I onced saw a light colored gal tied to the rafters of a barn, and her master whipped her until blood ran down her back and made a large pool on the ground.

She wuz a lackly gal en a smart gal, en ole mis' tuk her up ter de big house, en l'arnt her ter wait on de w'ite folks, 'tel bimeby she come ter be mis's own maid, en 'peared ter 'low she run de house herse'f, ter

Then I put the bottle down quiet, and 'ad just got up to go when the door of the state-room opened, and I saw the drownded gal, with 'er little face and hair all wet and dripping, standing before me.

Old Squire Hampleton, the biggest man in Meriden, and you don't say his last wife, that tall, handsome gal, was your darter?"

"But ma, she 'lowed thet with three gals handy I orter git one on 'em, to say the least.

And the gals that I danced with, light-hearted and airy, It’s scarcely they’d notice poor Paddy Malone. Tis twelve months or more since our ship she cast anchor In happy Australia, the Emigrant’s home, And from that day to this there’s been nothing but canker, And grafe and vexation for Paddy Malone.

"'Cordin' to yer own showin', one of them infarnal copper-gals was at the bottom of the hull business, and it's like as not the men knowed about it, too, and didn't want to catch the gal!"

She wuz a lackly gal en a smart gal, en ole mis' tuk her up ter de big house, en l'arnt her ter wait on de w'ite folks, 'tel bimeby she come ter be mis's own maid, en 'peared ter 'low she run de house herse'f, ter

He say no like lagtime gal.

"When my leetle gal died he jes' put his han' on my shoulder an' sez he,'Pompous, you jes' go home an' cheer up de Missis, yer don't hev no call to worry 'bout de horses.'

So they were always scrimped, but that didn't hinder Rachel from bein' one o' the likeliest gals round.

She's a lill small gal?" Mothers forget their daughters' stature.

Her beau most likely went with her, but sometimes she preferred to go alone, as she knowed no one would hurt a bonny little gal as herself.

" "The loveliest gal in Wapping," ses Peter.

All de time his mean little gal was a-gloatin' in my misery.

50 adjectives to describe  gal