674 adjectives to describe gentleman

I was astonished the first years of my married life in France, to see people of certain position and standing give the cold shoulder to men they had known all their lives because they were Republicans, knowing them quite well to be honourable, independent gentlemen, wanting nothing from the Republicmerely trying to do their best for the country.

Meeting at length with a respectable elderly gentleman, Mr. P. inquired of him the way to the Cave of the Winds.

The little gentleman looked at me severely, and then turned to his companion.

Game Preserves where they can do it in luxurious leisure; fox hunts with their pack of hunters and hounds in full cry after one poor defenceless fox, and battle-fields where they tear each other limb from limb with Gatling gun and shells; and yet we call ourselves honorable gentlemen, and talk of the delights of the chase and the glories of war!

PUNCHINELLO is extremely indebted to The Sun for the association of the names of several worthy gentlemen with the ownership of the only first-class Illustrated Humorous and Satirical paper published in America: (Subscription price, for one year, $4.00.

The reverend gentleman was judge of probate of Ramsey county at the time, but his popularity suddenly diminished and when his term of office expired he found it to his advantage to locate in a more congenial atmosphere.

(Illustration: The tall gentleman in the picture is Mr. FIELDnot that he is really so very tallbut he is elevated.

just as we were nearing the point where we were to take the open ground and make our charge, one of the colored gentlemen became so excited that he fired off his gun.

Meeting at length with a respectable elderly gentleman, Mr. P. inquired of him the way to the Cave of the Winds.

If that gallant gentleman is at hand, escort duty may, with perfect propriety, be left to him.

Then he spoke a few words to them; and the people shouted: "The gentleman is an honest gentleman, and we will spill our blood in his defence".

The court was opened punctually, the coroner being Mr. Bodyman, a stout, clean-shaven, white-haired gentleman who had spent thirty years of his life in the stuffy atmosphere of police courts hearing police-court cases.

The first two rows of the stalls were principally occupied by middle-aged and rather elderly gentlemen.

Now Mr. Willoughby Newton was a very handsome and proper gentleman, and on his broad acres grew some of the sweetest tobacco that ever left Virginia; but I could scarce treat him civilly, which only shows what an insufferable puppy I still was, and I made myself most miserable.

I tried, with more success, to beguile the time by making notes in my journal; and after having devoted about an hour to this object, I returned to the telescope, and now took occasion to examine the figure of the earth near the Poles, with a view of discovering whether its form favoured Captain Symmes's theory of an aperture existing there; and I am convinced that that ingenious gentleman is mistaken.

That fat gentleman who is now praising him and speaking of the advisability of a Chinese consulate in Manila, intimating that to manage it there could be no one but Quiroga, is the Señor Gonzalez who hides behind the pseudonym Pitilí when he attacks Chinese immigration through the columns of the newspapers.

Before this timeindeed, as soon as he began to grow celebratedhis admirers had found out the resemblance between him and the Great Stone Face; and so much were they struck by it, that throughout the country this distinguished gentleman was known by the name of Old Stony Phiz.

Others have railed at him,have decried him and slandered him,but I remember him as he appeared on that last day of all, a brave and loyal gentleman, not afraid of death, but rather welcoming it, and the memory is a sweet and dear one.

It was supposed that the unfortunate gentleman had forgotten something, a message or something of that sort, and upon its recurrence to him had taken the shorter cut to reach the house again, as he might do naturally, being an intimate friend of the family.

They were highly intelligent and courteous gentlemen, and if their future shall equal the promise of the present, they will make their mark in the world.

A wealthy gentleman buys a telescope as he would buy a library, as an ornament to his house.

Posthumus (for that was the name of Imogen's husband) was the best scholar and most accomplished gentleman of that age.

They were highly intelligent and courteous gentlemen, and if their future shall equal the promise of the present, they will make their mark in the world.

Though that broken-hearted gentleman was mourning the loss of a beloved umbrella, accompanied by a nephew, and having a bone handle, Mrs. SMYTHE was sure he would speak a good word for her house.

a red-faced gentleman remarked.

674 adjectives to describe  gentleman