61 adjectives to describe germs

Could the apostles have subserved the cause of freedom more directly, intelligibly, and effectually, than to enjoin the principles, and sentiments, and habits, in which freedom consistsconstituting its living root and fruitful germ? [Footnote B: Pittsburgh pamphlet, p. 9.]

But you know, there is always a little germ of ingratitude at the bottom of a man's heart.

Moreover, the extirpation of one disease after another, the careful isolation of all infectious cases, and the destruction of every article that could preserve or convey the poisonous germs, has in the course of ages enabled us utterly to destroy them.

Consequently, if Redi's hypothesis hold good, when the infusion is taken away and allowed to cool, no animalcules ought to be developed in it; whereas, if the animalcules are not dependent on pre-existing germs, but are generated from the infused substance, they ought, by and by, to make their appearance.

Every monad is thus a mirror of the universe, but a living mirror (miror vivant de l'univers), which generates the images of things by its own activity or develops them from inner germs, without experiencing influences from without.

Water, even when clear, may be alive with deadly germs.

The water in that spring, and I'll be perfectly frankthe water in most of the surface springs in this particular locality, is simply swarming with pathogenic germs, and amongst them I identified this morning the as yet unnamed coccus which I had the honour to discover, and which is as deadly as the coma bacillus of Asiatic cholera, orshall I say?the highly specialised venom of the rattlesnake.

Should pain unfortunately continue, the discharge remain, and a state of fever reveal itself, then it may be understood that the suppurative process has not been checked, that a portion of necrosed ligament, cartilage, or bone still remains, which, surrounded as it is by pus organisms and putrefactive germs, is sufficient to excite a constant irritation and maintain the internal structures in a state of infection.

He is strong, And, never having seen the great, wide world, With boyish confidence, that is the germ All undeveloped of man's later strength, He feels he is its master.

Some people seem to have given them at the outset a mere germ of personality like this, which must needs widen itself out in like fashion to be felt at all.

It remains yet in the order of logic, though not of history, to show that among these solid destructible particles, there really do exist germs capable of giving rise to the development of living forms in suitable menstrua.

" She explained that she had been in the city for some time and the reason of it, and then the conversation lagged again; and they were very much like two young people at a children's party, save that they were dreaming rather than embarrassed, and that, I suppose, they felt the dry germ of another age seeking the air and the sunshine of living.

In the first place, it is passed into a second division of the tank, where it is subjected to some violent electric action till every kind of organic germ it may contain is supposed to be completely destroyed.

Thus ice from ponds and rivers may contain numerous germs which resume their activity when the ice is melted.

*** An American scientest claims to have discovered a harmless germ likely to defeat the "flu" microbe.

For it is not true to manners, which are constantly false, or to facts, which are almost always false; it is true to the only existing thing which is true, emotion, the irreducible minimum, the indestructible germ.

He spoke impulsively on the instant, and revealed to mother his dawning interest in Mercy, and planted then and there an ineffaceable germ of distrust in her mind.

Hatred of heresy was a sort of infectious germ, generated by the doctrine of exclusive salvation.

For the production of one life she sacrifices innumerable germs.

But it was not until years after those conceptions, and in no wise descended from or led up to by them, that an intelligible and satisfactory germ theory of disease was formulated.

" They found seats together; Philip, amused, tried to extract from Burgess something besides the trite and obvious servant's pattersomething that might signify some possibility of a latent independencethe germ of aspiration.

But Nature hath no pause; she toileth still; Above the last-year leaves Thrusts the lithe germ, and o'er the terraced hill A fresher carpet weaves.

From worms he went to Protozoa-Trypanosomes, sleeping sickness, host tsetse-flyshowed life history comparatively, propagated in secondary host or encysting in primary hostsimilarly malarial germs spread by Anopheles mosquitoesall very interesting.

For him the lofty dome of air is packed with malignant germs.

From this modest germ is developed by a progressive growth the wide-spreading tree of morality: moral judgment, the moral imperative with its religious sanction, and ethical character.

61 adjectives to describe  germs