168 adjectives to describe giant

"I'm afraid, Dave, little giant, that you've planted something of a mine under yourself," murmured Dalzell.

You know I am not an intellectual giant.

It seemed as if an enormous giant, or a Titan, had sculptured his own likeness on the precipice.

Well, upon a time there was one Diabolus, a mighty giant, made an assault upon the famous town of Mansoul, to take it, and make it his own habitation.

On an ancient road that runs across the island my native guide pointed out the "footprints of the sun and moon"two curious effects of erosion which bear a distant resemblance to the footprints of giants twenty or thirty feet tall.

There had been something mysterious in the manner in which this timid-eyed giant had descended upon the town from nowhere, and now they felt that they were about to come to the heart of the reason of his visit.

"I take it, Hence Sturgill, that you air laughin' at me?" "I am a-laughin' at you, Mayhall Wells," he said, contemptuously, but he was surprised at the look on the good-natured giant's face.

This hyperborean literary giant, speaking a Babylonian dialect, smiting remorselessly all pretenders and quacks, and even honest fools, was himself personally a bundle of contradictions, fierce and sad by turns.

The shadows crept up the mountain peaks that stand up like grim giants away off in the East, and twilight began to throw its grey mantle over the lake; still he was alone.

As a defender of the faith by his pen, he may have yielded to greater geniuses than he; but as the guardian of the interests of the Church, as a stalwart giant, who prostrated the kings of the earth before him and gained the first great battles of the spiritual over the temporal power, Ambrose is worthy to be ranked among the great Fathers, and will continue to receive the praises of enlightened Christendom.

Her woman's intuition had branded Leith's motives in bringing the Professor into the Islands as bad, and the sallow-faced giant could not erase the impression.

What a great Protestant power has arisen in northern Germany to awe and keep in check not Catholicism merely, but such a hyperborean giant as Russia in its daring encroachments.

"Come now, my lovely fighter, my gentle giant, sup this'tis life, and here behold a venison steak fit for Duke Ivo's self, come" "Nay, first," says Beltane, sitting up, "are there many hurt?" "Aye, never fear for that, my blood-thirsty dove, they be all most completely dead save one, and he sore wounded, laus Deo, amen!" "Dead!" cried Beltane, shivering, "dead, say you?" "Aye, Sir Paladin, all sweetly asleep in Abraham's bosom.

That burly giant pushed ever in the lead, and his hoarse call and strenuous action told of more than a mercenary rage to save his wheat.

In the days when it was fashionable for men of learning to discuss the laws of pastoral composition, a certain northern giant fell foul of the Neapolitan's piscatory eclogues on somewhat theoretical grounds.

"With the eyes of an angel!" said Giles, pushing nearer where stood a maid young and shapely, trembling in the close grasp of one Gurth, a ragged, red-haired giant, whose glowing eyes stared lustfully upon her ripe young beauty.

Who was that bearded giant who was killed?

With staff and sling alone he meets The armed giant, who him greets With nought but scorn.

By God's help he has nerve to kill the Philistine giant.

This sturdy young giant of the North arises from her ashes stronger, more attractive, more substantial, than before.

At a distance the big man did not seem so large because of the grace of his proportions; when he was directly confronted, however, he seemed a veritable giant.

It was my fortune to encounter him near St. Dunstan's Church (which, with its punctual giants, is now no more than dust and a shadow), on the morning of his election to that high office.

Another individual is a huge, raw-boned, double-jointed giant of a man, whose muscular strength must be enormous, but whose weakness is beer.

A childhood land of mountain ways, Where earthy gnomes and forest fays, Kind foolish giants, gentle bears, Sport with the peasant as he fares Affrighted through the forest glades, And lead sweet wistful little maids Lost in the woods, forlorn, alone, To princely lovers and a throne.

Nature was holding high festival, and every fiber of the most rigid giants thrilled with glad excitement.

168 adjectives to describe  giant