6 adjectives to describe girlishness

He would never read it now; or perhaps he should read it in memory of her, of her whom yesterday he parted with on the hills,her little puritan look, her external girlishness, her golden brown hair and the sudden laugh so characteristic of her....

She was still to the outer eye the slight, brown Winona of twentyperky, birdlike, with the quick trimness of a winging swallow, a little sharper featured perhaps, but superior in acuteness of desire and persistence, and with some furtive, irresponsible girlishness lurking timorously back in her bright glance.

Her apparently invincible girlishness of spirit had given way to a certain matronly seriousness.

She was still to the outer eye the slight, brown Winona of twentyperky, birdlike, with the quick trimness of a winging swallow, a little sharper featured perhaps, but superior in acuteness of desire and persistence, and with some furtive, irresponsible girlishness lurking timorously back in her bright glance.

No, I cannot trust my pen, nor would any such description do her justice; for her charm lay not in beauty only, but in a certain rare, sweet girlishness, which seemed to form a nimbus round her.

No, I cannot trust my pen, nor would any such description do her justice; for her charm lay not in beauty only, but in a certain rare, sweet girlishness, which seemed to form a nimbus round her.

6 adjectives to describe  girlishness