55 adjectives to describe glimmer

At times, it seemed to me that I caught a faint glimmer of light, under its surface; but of this, I could not be sure.

Not far distant, however, lay the nearest boat; to get to her he had to expose himself to the pale glimmer.

A rumor spread that they were to have a hot supper, and, sure enough, they were marched in, dividing on each side of four long tables that stretched into spectral distance, in the feeble glimmer of the oil-lamps hanging from the ceiling.

A little glimmer of moonlight fell in and showed me the figures upon the carpet, outlined in a frosty bar.

Willie peered down into the well, and caught the dull glimmer of it through the stones; then, a good deal disappointed, followed Sandy as he strode away towards the house.

On and on we hurried in the dark, and then suddenly I could have raised a shout of joy, for there in the distance was a yellow glimmer of light, only visible in contrast with the black darkness which lay between.

The vague glimmer of daylight showing through the glass, revealed the presence of Watkins.

A sardonic glimmer in eyes half visible under heavy lids alone betrayed relish of the situation, the homage commanded and the sensation created by this inopportune and unheralded arrival: deliberately Number One mounted the dais and posed himself in the throne-like chair.

Now and then a flash of lightning lighted the narrow ravine; occasionally a straggling moonbeam pierced the clouds and shed an uncertain glimmer on the heights; but these flitting guides served only to make the darkness seem darker.

Then Desenzano, and what I took to be the distant glimmer of Lake Garda under the stars.

The log hadn't taken fire yet, and there was only a light glimmer, from the coals, on the ceiling.

But"and a sudden glimmer of reason seemed to come over him"if you have one grain of human decency left in you, you won't drag me and my terrible plight into that scurrilous New York paper of yours.

There is a constant pleasure from the singing; an occasional glimmer of illumination from the sermon; and an unfailing delight from the Bible stories.

It was almost uncanny, there in the fantastic glimmer, that disappearance.

I love better than any theory the sound of the Gate of Ivory, turning upon its hinges, and hold that he alone who has passed the rose-strewn threshold can catch the far glimmer of the Gate of Horn.

Through the dark masses of foliage that skirted the roadside, presently could be seen the fitful glimmer of a watchfire, and the traveller redoubled his precautions, but yet rode steadily on.

The sad hero of Maud walked "in a ghastly glimmer," and found "the shining daffodil dead."

Often from the edge of the woods I hear you in the first golden glimmer of day CHANTECLER [Flattered.]

I walked into the heart of the shrubberies two or three times, not seeing a step before me, till I came out upon the broader carriage-road, where the trees opened a little, and there was a faint gray glimmer of sky visible, under which the great limes and elms stood darkling like ghosts; but it grew black again as I approached the corner where the ruins lay.

then I saw a greenish phosphorescent glimmer in its empty eye sockets, a glimmer which came and went.

Notwithstanding the intense darkness, there yet hovered about an indefinable glimmer; on our way we noticed before us on the ground, close to the foot-pavement, something which looked like a stretched-out form.

Before sunset, we reached the last declivity of the mountains, and saw far in the dusky plain, the long green belt of the gardens of Damascus, and here and there the indistinct glimmer of a minaret.

In summer it was the merest glimmer that could hold a flickering spark.

The scene hath changed into a curtain'd room, Where mournful glimmers of the mellow sun Lie dreaming on the walls!

Before us was a high black rock, jutting out into the foaming sea, whence it rose sheer like the wall of a fortress; at some distance on the left a peculiar glimmer and a long white line of breakers assured me of the existence of an even and sandy beach.

55 adjectives to describe  glimmer