10 adjectives to describe gluttony

What in regard to sensual enjoyment was mere gluttony, appeared in higher matters as an insatiable curiosity.

The rhyme explains the reason: The jovial days of feasting past, 'Tis pious prudence come at last; And eager gluttony is taught To be content with what it ought.

To ask for butter with the bread would be looked upon as a sign of eccentric gluttony, but to cap this request with a demand for bacon and eggs at seven in the morning, as a man fresh from England might do with complete unconsciousness of his depravity, would be to openly confess one's self capable of any crime.

Verus, however, as soon as he got away from the immediate influence and ennobling society of Marcus, broke loose from all decency, and showed himself to be a weak and worthless personage, as unfit for war as he was for all the nobler duties of peace, and capable of nothing but enormous gluttony and disgraceful self-indulence.

291; few opportunities of improving their condition, iv. 33; fortune, of, iii. 3; genteel, more, than men, iii. 53; gluttony, i. 468, n. 1; Greek and pudding-making, i. 122, n. 4; indifferent to characters of men, iv. 291; knowledge, none the worse for, ii. 76; v. 226; little things, can take up with, iii. 242; marrying a pretty woman, iv.

If this was a new game it was certainly a very peculiar onethe wild rush, the bleats of terror, gasps of agony, and the fiendish growls of attack and the sounds of ravenous gluttony.

But even in this matter we cannot tell anything like the worst facts about "Their sumptuous gluttonies and gorgeous feasts On citron tables and Atlantic stone, Their wines of Setia, Gales, and Falerne, Chios, and Crete, and how they quaff in gold, Crystal, and myrrhine cups, embossed with gems And studs of pearl."

It was a sight worth seeing to come upon those little night-clubs of drunken and bewildered moths, hanging on to the sweetness with tragic gluttony,an easy prey for Henry's eager fingers, which, as greedy of them as they of the honey, would seize and thrust them into the lethal chamber, in the form of a cigar-box loosely filled with bruised laurel leaves, which hung by a strap from his shoulder.

Several of the visitors on this occasion came out of curiosity to see how these cannibals would conduct themselves, expecting, no doubt, to witness a display of disgusting gluttony; but in that they were disappointed, for never did any set of men behave with greater decorum than they did.

I know no ceremony that ladies are bound to observe to their husbands, beyond the point of a modest behaviour and decorum: therefore I must protest against the vicarious gluttony of Cerasia, who at her own table sent away a dish of Morellas, which I was applying to with great good will, to her husband at the other end of the table, and recommended a plate of less extraordinary gooseberries to my unwedded palate in their stead.

10 adjectives to describe  gluttony