7 adjectives to describe golfer

© 28Dec25, A879417. R111438, 28Apr53, Monica Kearney Healy (C) KEELER, ELEANOR The autobiography of an average golfer.

SEE The professional golfer.

The idea of allocating some of our incurable golfers to this purpose does not appear to have suggested itself to our slow-witted authorities.

Oftener he came back without money and with a facefrom abrasive thrustslooking as if a careless golfer had gone over him and neglected to replace the divots.

"I thought the real, simon-pure golfer didn't mind the weather.

I am not a skillful golfer, nor a plucky, But this about myself I proudly say When I win a hole by freaky stroke or lucky, I never claim I played the shot that way.

The man who had reserved the compartment for himself, and who had removed a bundle of golf sticks from the seat to make room for me, did not look like a typical golfer, nor did he appear at all the sort of person who might be expected to reserve a whole compartment for himself.

7 adjectives to describe  golfer