16 adjectives to describe gourd

What are ears for if not to pass pins of precious wood through, also copper rings, charms of plaited maize, which draw them forward, or little gourds which do for snuff-boxes, and to such an extent that the distended lobes of these appendages fall sometimes to the shoulders of their owners? After all, the African savages have no pockets, and how could they have any?

On his Iron face there was no flicker of welcome or recognition, but he shook hands silently with the two of us, and struck a blow on a dry gourd.

Some parents are cautious enough to fasten hollow gourds, or bladders filled with air, on their children's backs, until they are six years old, so as to prevent them sinking so quickly, if they should happen to tumble into the water.

"You'd just as well take the orphans one of the biggest fatty gourds of maple sugar," sighed Miss Penelope.

There, among the giant roots of the old oak on its bank, was the house they had built of big stones and bright bits of broken dishes; there lay her home-made doll flung down among gay fallen leaves; a little toad squatted beside it; and near by was the tiny gourd that was their play-house dipper.

Their bitter anthelminthic oil is said to have medicinal uses; but it will be still more useful for machinery, as it haslike that curious flat gourd the Sequa {266a}the property of keeping iron from rust.

"'"How old art thou?" said the garrulous gourd

The heavenly gourds rise to the eye, With their fruit hanging under the eave.

This in supported by nine stakes or small posts, the grave being about 6 to 8 feet in length and 4 feet in breadth, about which is hung gourds, feathers, and other such like trophies, placed there by the dead man's relations in respect to him in the grave.

It seems they have occasional intercourse with islands at some distance from them; two fine polished gourds, containing lime, &c. used with their betel, were observed among themone was plain and the other ornamented with figures, apparently burnt by some instrument.

The bitter gourds hanging are seen, From branches of chestnut-trees high.

It was hanging almost stationary in the northern sky, like a huge yellow gourd.

It imagines the Emperor transformed, not into a God, but into a gourdone of those "bloated gourds which sun their speckled bellies before the doors of the Roman peasants."

From the broken gourd the sea rushed forth; the valley was filled, the immense plain which formed the universe was flooded, and only the mountains raised their heads above the water, forming the islands, several of which still exist to-day.

Their bitter anthelminthic oil is said to have medicinal uses; but it will be still more useful for machinery, as it haslike that curious flat gourd the Sequa {266a}the property of keeping iron from rust.

Shortly after noon we reached a little grass-covered hut where several good-natured Indians, pleasantly surprised at our unexpected arrival, welcomed us with dripping gourds full of cool, delicious water.

16 adjectives to describe  gourd