8 adjectives to describe gourmand

A celebrated gourmand remarked that a dinner without cheese is like a woman with one eye.

Under a point of land, where the stream made an eddy, they halted, and with their fishing-lines, soon secured a breakfast which the daintiest gourmand might have envied.

It will not surprise us to learn that the eminent gourmand Apicius offered a prize to the inventor of a new sauce made of mullets' livers.

" "I may add," said Captain Hull, "that it is just when the enormous gourmand is occupied in this way, that it is easiest to approach it without exciting its suspicion.

A facetious gourmand used to say, that he had eaten so much beef for the last six months, that he was ashamed to look a bullock in the face.

And in the present times, the first chemist of the day, Sir Humphry Davy, passes for a finished gourmand.

Of quadrupeds, the greatest favorite was the wild boar,the chief dish of a grand coena,coming whole upon the table; and the practised gourmand pretended to distinguish by the taste from what part of Italy it came.

Yet the cattlemen about the table settled themselves for the meal with a pleasant expectation fully equal to that of the most seasoned gourmand in a Manhattan restaurant.

8 adjectives to describe  gourmand