16 adjectives to describe grimness

There was a certain grimness apparent about Crowther also by that time.

"No, not quite like that," he said, with awful grimness.

Comprehending in one swift but despairing flash of intelligence the existence of some fateful power beyond his own weak endeavor, he accepted its logical result with characteristic grimness, threw his hat upon the ground, put his hands in his pockets, and said "Well, I'm dd!" CHAPTER III.

And she thought, with conscious and satisfied grimness: "So this is Brighton!" CHAPTER IV THE SEA I

answered Solon, with deadly grimness, and with a presence of mind which I envied.

But oh, the gray grimness of it!

"Miss Draper," Lillian began, her voice low and controlled, but deadly in its icy grimness, "we won't detain you but a moment, for we are going to get right down to brass tacks.

Doing well with her painting?" Adrian attempted to relax his own inner grimness.

At last he up to his father and asked: "Is this where you always work?" "No," was the answer given with a peculiar grimness.

Bringing up the rear two cassocked priests served to give this pageantry a touch of prophetic grimness.

What we chiefly notice, however, in his choice of subjects is a frenzy of murderous enthusiasm, a grimness of imagination, rare among Italian artists.

Among the clergy is the Abbé Maury, who does not want for audacity, and the Curé Grégoire who shall be a bishop, and Talleyrand-Pericord, his reverence of Autun, with sardonic grimness, a man living in falsehood, and on falsehood, yet not wholly a false man.

she went on with scathing grimness; "mother's measure of anything, with her grand 'gained cases' (there'll be another yet, she finds them so easy!) of which she's so publicly proud!

Long stayed he thus, to mark the fierce curve of nostril, the square grimness of jaw and chin, and the lips that met in a harsh line, down-trending and relentless.

His face was grey, he looked unutterably tired, his mouth had the stark grimness of the man who endures, asking nothing of Fate.

Shrouded in a purple dimness, Quenched the sunlight is in shadow; Over hill and wood and meadow Broads the mist in sullen grimness.

16 adjectives to describe  grimness