6 adjectives to describe grisettes

One always hears that the Quartier Latin doesn't exist any morethe students are more serious, less turbulent, and that the hardworking little grisette, quite content with her simple life and pleasure, has degenerated into the danseuse of the music-halls and barriere theatres.

The elegant grisettes, who make their appearance perfumed and adorned, with their hair fashionably dressed and in variegated, gold- embroidered, sweeping robes, or even perform their toilette on the stage, are very effective.

"What the deuce is her elementthe Quartier Latin?" "The Quartier Latin is to some extent her habitatbut then Mam'selle Josephine belongs to a genus of which you, cher Monsieur Arbuthnot, are deplorably ignorantthe genus grisette.

"What the deuce is her elementthe Quartier Latin?" "The Quartier Latin is to some extent her habitatbut then Mam'selle Josephine belongs to a genus of which you, cher Monsieur Arbuthnot, are deplorably ignorantthe genus grisette.

Is it thou, Gino Monaldi!" exclaimed a smart Venetian grisette, whose tone and manner betrayed as much of coquetry as of surprise.

His mother was a pretty woman, a dress-maker, and thorough grisette, whom his father married for her beauty, and who left her husband six months after their marriage and never gave a thought to her child.

6 adjectives to describe  grisettes