18 adjectives to describe gulps

She poured herself a cup of tea and drank it in little quick, nervous gulps.

"Yes," she answered with a painful gulp, and moved towards the door.

" The constable gave a slight gulp.

And then with a curious gulp and start he saw a little grey cloud wreathe itself slowly from among the rocks and drift in a long, hazy shred over the desert.

Taking this, Dick dipped up water from the black pool between the green leaves; the hot lips sucked it in at one dreadful gulp.

As it was, he recovered himself with a mighty gulp and finished the service decorously enough.

She poured herself a cup of tea and drank it in little quick, nervous gulps.

" And taking a preparatory gulp of the rum, Mr. Jinks continues: "Suppose I write these words to him: 'A. Jinks, Esq., presents his compliments to Verty, Esq., and requests to be informed at what hour Mr. Verty will attend in front of Bousch's tavern, for the purpose of having himself exterminated and killed?

Mis' Browst sighed an assent, drinking her coffee with a resigned gulp, with the firm conviction that the civil war had been designed for her especial trial and enlargement in Christian grace.

The tears that were always near my eyes streamed down my face, making my cheek sore against the wet cushion, and my breath came in painful, ridiculous gulps.

Say sixteen medium-sized gulps.

It expands again to its former bulk on the return of the pump piston, and prevents the water from entering until there is such an accumulation of pressure in the condenser as forces the water into the pump, when the air being expelled by the water, causes a good vacuum to be momentarily formed in the pump when it gorges itself by taking a sudden gulp of water.

Then I suddenly realized that my mouth was full of brandy, and with a surprised gulp I swallowed it down and opened my eyes.

" "Assuming the responsibility for this disappearance to lie between Hurst andand the Bellinghams," said I, with an uncomfortable gulp as I mentioned the name of my friends, "to which side does the balance of probability incline?"

he told himself, with a violent gulp.

As illuminate by lightning Maudelain saw the many factions of his barons squabbling for gross pleasures, like wolves over a corpse, and blindly dealing death to one another to secure at least one more delicious gulp before that inevitable mangling by the teeth of some burlier colleague.

The wretched victim of pharmacy, conquered at last, gives one desperate gulp to save himself from strangulation, and all is over!

Placing it in the bottom of the sleigh, where such of the public as were stirring in that vicinity could not see the operation, he half filled the tin dipper, and, raising it suddenly to his mouth, drank the contents with a double gulp.

18 adjectives to describe  gulps