38 adjectives to describe guys

"I know something about you tough guys.

Hottest guy in the world.

A very honorable guy.

"For that matter: how can you be sure you can trust me?" "Oh, I guess I can size up a square guy when I see him.

They ride in Packards, those swell guys, While I can't half afford a Ford; Choice fillets fill a void for them, We've cheese and prunes the place I board; They've smirking servants hanging round, You'd guess by whom my shoes are shined.

He eagerly looked forward to seeing the little guy again.

Art was a decent guy, really.

Years later something would happen and we'd yell to Murray, 'Hey Red, is that right in your gut?' "There were a lot of grand guys on that club: Christy Mathewson and Chief Meyers, Larry Doyle and Fred Snodgrass, Al Bridwell and Bugs Raymond.

"Lucky guy!" murmured the man.

But Owens is a nervy guy and he kept whispering.

"He's another of these exaggerated ego guys, every move a picture, wears his handkerchief up his sleeve and all that kind of guff.

Her father, Lad Charles, was a painter, a friendly guy who wore bow ties and was well liked in town.

"You're a handsome guy, Joe.

I used to kid myself I was, but handier guys took it out of me.

The specimens would have to go; to be borne out ingloriously in the face of the besieging force, limp and passive, like a couple of those very helpless guys that are wont to be produced by what Mrs. Kosminsky would call 'der chiltrens.'

"Afraid I look an awful guy just at present.

I wouldn't mind having the photos of a hundred and fifty young men, only they would be horrid guys and all just alike; but Aunt Charlotte isiswella regular old maid about it, and you knew she would mind it, and so you did it on purpose to upset Metelill's chances.

There was only one other roomer at the moment, a middle aged guy who kept to himself, a high school teacher from the city.

"These two boobs are dirty with the evergreen, and Wilbur's got the wise guys so leary for fear he will tip his mitt and they naturally slip him a big one every time they get a chance.

"I carried the male guy down to the yard, sat him on the barrow and put on his hat; and taking with me the remains of the ruined guys, which I decided to put away in the drawers, I returned for the second effigy.

"I was reading in the paper the other day that some old pappy guy out in Chi was making a noisy fuss that the chorus ladies stay up too late nights.

there was such a precious guy at the ball last night, and I had no end of a lark with him.

" "Isn't he a rummy old guy?" exclaimed West.

If you want the real extract of selfishness you must make a puncture in a scientific guy with a hobby, and you can get as much as you want.

Underneath all the nautical bullshit, Oliver sensed a fairly sharp guy, hard-working anyway.

38 adjectives to describe  guys