56 adjectives to describe halting

John T. Ford, and then started on a southern tour, playing in Washington, Richmond and as far south as Savannah, Georgia, where we were brought to a sudden halt, owing to the yellow fever which was then cruelly raging in the beautiful cities of the "Land of the cotton and the cane.

Clearly they were moving slowly, and from the frequent halts and turnings I gathered that the rider had not much purpose about the road.

Mac caught hold of the single-tree and brought the racing dogs to an abrupt halt.

Relays of horses were also awaiting her; and after a brief halt the journey was resumed.

The Colonel was aware of the sidelong wonder of his comrade's glance, for the sleds, abreast, had come to a momentary halt.

To Jacob this enforced halt, at a time when he believed it was vitally necessary he should be making search for his father, was most painful, and despite all Sergeant Corney and I could say or do to relieve his distress of mind,

The other squads are deployed as they arrive on the general line; each corporal halts in his place in line and commands or signals, as skirmishers; the squad deploys and halts abreast of him.

The approach was slow, like that of a weak person, with little halts and pauses.

4d.) for a night, or half that amount for a mere day halt.

This happened in 1857 (already in 1856 there had been a preliminary halt of business), again in 1872, and on a small scale in 1883.

" He strode again up and down the room, repeating in a deep monotone: "John Bard!" Coming to a sharp halt he said: "I don't want the rest of your story.

We had been under arms for seventeen hours, most of the time exposed to the pitiless rays of an Indian sun, under fire for a considerable period, and, with the exception of the slight halt for breakfast, on our feet all the time.

At last, the inevitable happened: the off mare dove into a great drift; the nigh one pulled on: and they came to a staggering halt, one of them was kept from falling partly by her own efforts, and partly by the snow about her legs against which she braced herself.

I remember, several times on this march, when the detachment had made some temporary halt, seeing a grim-faced dog, of the terrier species, trot along the line to the front of the column, where we rangers stood, and then, satisfied seemingly that all was well ordered, turn himself round and trot back to the rear again.

The railway penetrates a lonely stretch of country with one wayside "halt" on the way to Portesham (indifferently "Porsham" or "Posam").

A fresh start was made after a welcome halt at this well.

A great many of the packs came off our horses or became loosened, necessitating frequent haltings for their readjustment.

The Can bore the pair to a fretful halt under the newest electric lights on River Street.

Spenser himself affects the obsolete, And Sidney's verse halts ill on Roman feet: Milton's strong pinion now not heaven can bound, Now serpent-like, in prose he sweeps the ground, In quibbles angel and archangel join, And God the Father turns a school-divine.

When he flourished to an impressive halt under the Whipple porte-cochère she felt a new respect for him.

One result of the swim, by the way, was that my watch, a veteran of Cuba and Africa, came to an indignant halt.

This process began somewhat violently by the instant halt of Arnold as soon as they were out of sight of the house.

As the distances between the several watering places on the homeward route were too much to perform without intermediate halts, and the heat of the noon-day sun rather oppressive, it was found better to start from the pools late in the day, so as to make the halts without water during the cool of the night, travelling only very late in the evening and early in the morning.

There was a deep-chested groan from the surprised beast, a forward leapthen a sudden jarring halt.

Perry started after her, but was brought to a jerky halt by the failure of his hind legs to function.

56 adjectives to describe  halting