4 adjectives to describe hansom

But in view of the fact that he made no overtures to a passing hansom, which swerved in to the curb in response to a signal of Lanyard's cane, this last concluded that the prince was up to his reputedly favourite game of waylaying his rebel wife.

I missed then, as I miss now, the numberless hansoms of London plying in the streets for hire.

Presently, however, the persistent whistle conjured from round a corner a rakish hansom thatlike the creature between its shafts and the driver on its lofty box, with his face in full bloom and his bleary eyes, his double-breasted box-coat and high hat of oilclothhad doubtless been brisk with young ambition in the golden time of the Nineteen-Naughties.

It was not a particularly slow hansom, and it did not take very long to get from the police station to the hospital; but to Mr. Wordley the horse seemed to crawl and the minutes to grow into days.

4 adjectives to describe  hansom