17 adjectives to describe heartiness

We must not allow the fashion of the time in which the play was written, to cause doubt as to the genuine heartiness of Hamlet's love-making.]

It was odds he would clear the fence of matrimony, some day, with the same casual heartiness; and, in any case, he was masterful enough to insist on Narcissus marrying, should it occur to him to wish it.

"Katie," she approached it, in Zelda's own delicate fashion, "what would you think of Major Darrett and me joy-riding through life together?" "I approve of it," said Katie, with curious heartiness.

"Come along," said Wiggett, with feigned heartiness, slapping him on the back.

But he congratulated Rolfe in a tone of fictitious heartiness.

We acknowledge most gratefully the cheer and the inspiration which have come to us from every word, wish, and act from abroad that has recognized the stake of our conflict; and we will take for granted the real existence and the glowing heartiness of much of the same which has not been expressed, or has not reached us.

Here the beaming grandfather went first to the lady of the house, and then to the master and then again to the lady, and every time he took each by both their hands with indescribable heartiness and kept on saying: "I have no words, but thanks, eternal thanks!"

And Cornish assented with the intense heartiness of the provincial.

Yet is there still much jovial heartiness in the festive revelry of the mountaineers.

Now and then Macgregor chuckled with moderate heartiness.

One thing was immediately and specially manifest: an overflowing heartiness and deep feeling pervaded the whole house.

' We were entertained here with a primitive heartiness.

The minister shook hands with professional heartiness, but his gaze, Willits thought, was wandering.

The result was that his sermons became eminently classical and elegant; only they became impossible to attend to, and impossible to remember; and when you heard the good man preach, you sighed for the rough and striking heartiness of former days.

"It looks as if it hardly could be magnified," said Dick with sudden heartiness.

"Any news of the boat?" demanded Jack, as he and Bill crossed over and slapped their crony on the back with great assumed heartiness.

Brooke greeted him with unexpected heartiness.

17 adjectives to describe  heartiness