67 adjectives to describe hesitations

" The gentleman thus politely addressed, bowed, smiled, and after a little hesitation answered: "Non, Monsieur; mais jài le fromage de votre soeur.

There was a slight hesitation among some of the Leftwho were ardent sympathisers with young Italybut who didn't care to compromise themselves by taking part in a religious ceremony.

" With momentary hesitation, and in a temper precluding any sympathy, with his humour, the woman rose and silently followed with him that long-legged figure whose stalk held so much dramatic significance as he led to the companionway.

" "I think we owe the young ladies that much, Thursday," said Hetty, after a brief hesitation.

The mention I had made of the Minister of Finance, however, seemed to cause him considerable hesitation.

Pepper was running ahead, I noticed, without any apparent hesitation.

Would youdo you care to see what he says?" She offered him the letter with the words, and after the faintest hesitation Tudor took it.

I had hardly taken up my stand when the darkness above gave way to a faint glimmer, and a step became audible coming from some one of the many small rooms in the second story, but so slowly and with such evident hesitation that my imagination had ample time to work and fill my mind with varying anticipations, each more disconcerting than the last.

Do not imagine this merry scene was the produce of any excess; we were as sober as judges, though we felt their gravity would have been out of place; but when some choice spiritand there was more than one suchwith the soul of melody in him, took the field, we left him to make all the running himself, and smoked our cigars with increased vigour, shrouding him in the curling cloud to prevent any nervous hesitation.

Half a secondno more; yet that hardly perceptible hesitation told me what I had been playing with him to find out.

He would be all right as soon as her maidenly hesitations should have come to an end, and she'd made him the happiest man in the world with the almost inevitable yes.

"Respect her maiden hesitation.

To his surprise, as well as to his grief, Pennock was seduced by ambition, and he assumed the functions of the executive with quite as little visible hesitation, as the heir apparent succeeds to his father's crown.

" He laughed and ventured with a hesitation quite boyish: "I say, Prince Victorif it's not an impertinent questionwas there any truth in that?

What I then deplored, and still deplore, was the unhappy influence which that gloomy hesitation had, not only upon particular characters, but even upon life in general; as being equally the bane of action in our present state, and of such consolations as we might derive from the hopes of a future.

A painful hesitation has not hindered a certain eminent person from being one of the principal speakers in the British Parliament for many years.

Now I differ from Mr. Ruskin with extreme hesitation.

"This-matter grows serious," he said: "it will admit of no farther hesitation.

But in fatal hesitation the time slips by, and he is finally compelled to wed a second bride.

But after a funny little hesitation he stooped and kissed my forehead.

All her pretty girlish hesitation, all her happy shyness had passed away on the breath of the great awakening.

she inquired with humble hesitation.

After an imperceptible hesitation she turned.

But there, with her hand on the knob, she was halted by an inexplicable hesitation about opening the door and showing herself.

So he stood in inglorious hesitation, while the seconds passed.

67 adjectives to describe  hesitations