255 adjectives to describe holes

My own lurked in the waist of the shipa tiny little airless hole.

W. E. GLADSTONE, to his bed-post, at his home in Spring Gardens, London, after a hot night's debate at St. STEPHEN'S. Our reporter concealed himself in the key-hole and took verbatim notes.

But even the round peg in the round hole brings difficulties.

Entering on his stomach, he found himself in a room about sixteen by twenty feet, two-thirds underground, log-walls chinked with moss, a roof of poles sloping upwards, tent-like, but leaving an opening in the middle for a smoke-hole some three feet square, and covered at present by a piece of thin, translucent skin.

Adjoining this they discovered a narrow hole leading to a further cave, which was below high-water mark.

Next morning I found a shell hole fifteen yards from the Mess Hut, another on the path and several others among the trees.

On each side of the pulpit-desk there is a small circular hole, and those said holes have a history.

It was snow, and that black, ragged hole would look strange in the midst of the swelling, spotless cushion of white.

He was in a chamber roughly square, a hollow within the rock part natural and part hewn by hand, a commodious chamber lighted by a jagged hole in the rock above, a fissure all o'er-grown with vines and creeping plants whose luxuriant foliage tempered the sun's rays to a tender green twilight very grateful and pleasant.

My own lurked in the waist of the shipa tiny little airless hole.

Lay on different parts of the skin a small, square piece of paper with a small central hole in it.

It proved a dismal, crowded hole in which we were quartered like so many cattle, it being merely a small space forward, hastily boxed off by rough lumber, the sides and ends built up into tiers of bunks, the only ventilation and light furnished by the open hatch above.

A very common method is to make a box, a foot or less square, open, or with a pane of glass on one side; a stick three or four feet long is run through an auger hole in the top and bottom, and wedged fast, which forms a standard; the other end of the stick is run through a hole on the little deck on the forward part of the boat, and placed in a socket formed for the purpose in the bottom, and is wedged at the deck, so as to make it steady.

The dough must be well "bound," and yet allow the escape of the little bubbles of carbonic acid which accompany the fermentation, and which, in their passage, cause the numerous little holes which are seen in light bread.

Who wants to see the ghost's hat?"and the Doctor drew a hat from under the sheet still lying on the floor, and exhibited it to the curious eyes of all present, making them admire the neat hole in it.

The Tartar villages, says John Yeardley, are the meanest possible, consisting sometimes of mere holes dug in the earth, or huts standing a little above the ground.

I like to see hawks sitting daunted in shallow holes, not daring to spread a feather, and doves in a row by the prickle bushes, and shut-eyed cattle, turned tail to the wind in a patient doze.

I never saw a dirtier hole, the filth overpowering, and once satisfied that both men were beyond help, I was content to lower the scuttle and leave them there.

Where Mike, violently transplanted from Wrykyn, saw only a wretched little hole not to be mentioned in the same breath with Wrykyn, Adair, dreaming of the future, saw a colossal establishment, a public school among public schools, a lump of human radium, shooting out Blues and Balliol Scholars year after year without ceasing.

Well, Colonel, sorry you ain't cultivatin' rheumatism in a damp hole up at Glory Hallelujah?" "II am very much obliged to you for saving me from" She cut him short.

He walks by day past a black cavern mouth, and thinks, with a shudderSomething ugly may live in that ugly hole: what if it jumped out upon me?

It wasn't much of a window that the boy looked out of, just an irregular hole in a bare wall, innocent alike of sash and glass.

They are men, and have pulled me out of tight holes when I was green at this game, and they did it at the risk of their lives.

"I'm in an awful hole," reflected the unhappy Jeff.

Adair had said, "a small school like this" in the sort of voice which might have led his hearer to think that he was expected to say, "Yes, rotten little hole, isn't it?" or words to that effect.

255 adjectives to describe  holes