4 adjectives to describe howe

But nowes no triflynge: Hee's where hee is in Comons, wee discharged, Boathe of suspect and murther; which lett the covent To-morrowe morninge answere howe they cann.

If she be dead howe sweete a thynge is deathe, Howe riche, howe gloryous and unmatchable!

Farewell, ye broomy elfin knowes, Where thyme and harebells grow; Farewell, ye hoary haunted howes, O'erhung with birk and sloe.

Farewell, ye broomy elfin knowes, Where thyme and harebells grow; Farewell, ye hoary haunted howes, O'erhung with birk and sloe.

4 adjectives to describe  howe