245 adjectives to describe humors

Ill humor.....................

There is a grim humor in the thing, which seems to have escaped those who have drawn up the curriculum.

He was the sort of a man from whom one would expect shrewdness, some cunning, stubbornness, a dry humor, and many principles.

Papa will at once be more quiet and is in better humor.

The chubby little millionaire had slept excellently and was in a genial humor this morning.

He went over to the far side of the room and began reading the paper, and that grim little understanding smilea smile at himselfmade Katie yearn to go over and wind her arms about his neckdear strange Wayne who had believed there was so much, and found so little, and who was so alive to the bitter humor of being drawn to the heart of things only to be pushed back to the outer rim.

The peccadilloes of the upper classes they treated with comparatively gentle humor, and aimed their strokes of satire chiefly against the lower.

His face was badly swollen and he could only see through a slit in one eye, so severe had been the beating administered by Wampus earlier in the day; but the fellow had grit, in spite of his other unmanly qualities, and his imperturbable good humor had scarcely been disturbed by the punishment the Canadian had inflicted upon him.

A little thicker of build and thinner of hair was the doctor, but possessed of the same genial friendliness of manner and whimsical humor, the same steady hand held out to help wherever and whenever help was needed.

We shall see that the natural hearty humor of Goldsmith's comedy, She Stoops to Conquer(1773), afforded a welcome relief from such plays.

And indeed, she seemed in a rare good humor, and inexplicably gay.

He indulged in little or no gesticulation, he had a rich gift of genuine Saxon humor.

In his sermons and essays he is wonderfully simple and direct; in his controversial writings, gently ironical and satiric, and the satire is pervaded by a delicate humor; but when his feelings are aroused he speaks with poetic images and symbols, and his eloquence is like that of the Old Testament prophets.

"And I hardly know," said Mrs. Ashmeade, "whether more to admire the justice or the sardonic humor of the performance.

I prefer the graceful rambling of his essays even to the courtly elegance and ease of Addison, abstracting from this the latter's exquisite humor.

His neighbors had discovered that his rude and surly manners concealed a powerful intellect and an excellent heartand even this rudeness had grown interesting from the cynical dry humor not unfrequently mingled with it.

It is hardly necessary to call the reader's attention to the unconscious humor of the assertion of Westermarck's friend Cousins that "between their various feasts the Kaffirs have to live in strict continence"which is a good deal like saying of a toper that "between drinks he is strictly sober.

His humor, broad and fresh, produced irresistible comic effects.

His key was that of earnest and animated argument, frequently alternated with that of a playful and sprightly humor.

Adding then, by way of jest, "Golondrina is my guest, 'Tis the wife of some deserter!" Swift as bowstring speeds a shaft, Through the camp was spread the rumor, And the soldiers, as they quaffed Flemish beer at dinner, laughed At the Emperor's pleasant humor.

Interruptions are numerous; the narrative is full of life and movement, as when the miller gets drunk and insists on telling his tale out of season, or when they stop at a friendly inn for the night, or when the poet with sly humor starts his story of "Sir Thopas," in dreary imitation of the metrical romances of the day, and is roared at by the host for his "drasty ryming."

It is with the retina, therefore, that the vitreous humor is in contact.

Thus, the whisper of "Here comes old Tubercles, again!" was prevalent amongst the clerks upon the entrance of a very thin, narrow-chested old gentleman, whom they informed, with considerable humor, that he was only wasting hours which should be spent with a spiritual adviser, in his useless attempts to take out a Policy in that office.

It has | | intellectual food for every taste and for every mood and | | phase of human feeling, from the merriest humor up, through | | all the gradations of feeling, to the most touching and | | tender pathos.

" It was a relief to put the thing off, but he found no comfort as the days went by, and although he shrank from taking Mrs. Osborn into his confidence, his moody humor gave her a hint.

245 adjectives to describe  humors