8 adjectives to describe hunching

The second mate had turned away, with his hand over his mouth and a suspicious hunching of his shoulders, while the steward, who had been standing by, beat a hasty retreat and collapsed behind the chart-room.

Then, with a decisive little hunch of his shoulders, he came back to where Mary Gowd sat.

Then, with a decisive little hunch of his shoulders, he came back to where Mary Gowd sat.

You had all the material to build a nice plump hunch.

I come to make a solemn mystery clear, One that affects you deeply; for I sing Of a most ancient king Nine hundred years ago in fair Kashmir, Who yearned towards a bride, andhear, oh hear, Lord of the reboant nose and classic hunch "Married a princess of the House of Punch.

But Kingston had learned, by painful experience, the signals of the Troy captain; and just as the Trojans were reaching confidently forward for a new hold, the alert Sawed-Off murmured a quick hint, and his men gave a sudden hunch that took the enemy unawares, and brought back home three inches of beautiful rope.

"If they loose the dogs there will be no time for the ship," he added, with a suggestive hunch of his naked shoulders.

But I had a queer hunch.

8 adjectives to describe  hunching