22 adjectives to describe immigration

Confining our attention for the present to migration from the country to the town, and leaving the foreign immigration for separate treatment, we find that the large majority of incomers to London are from agricultural counties, such as Kent, Bucks, Herts, Devon, Lincoln, and not from counties with large manufacturing centres of their own, like Yorkshire, Lancashire, and Cheshire.

Unrestricted immigration, universal suffrage, rotation in office, the subjection of many offices and measures to popular vote, the parliamentary system, government by political partiesall these customs and habits into which we have fallen have arrived at failure which presages disaster.

First, because there is in England a property qualification required to vote, which excludes the more ignorant and irresponsible classes, and makes women voters few and generally intelligent; secondly, because England is an old, conservative country, with much emigration and but little immigration.

I wish to remind you of the fact that in the enormous immigration that pours to our shores every year, numbering somewhere in the neighborhood of half a million, there come, twice as many men as women.

While I would not have you take this right or privilege from those men whom we invite to our shores, I do ask you, in the face of this immense foreign immigration, to enfranchise the tax-paying, intelligent, moral, native-born women of America.

There was a constant immigration of missionaries into Britain, and the great sees were filled with distinguished ecclesiastics, frequently from the continent, since a strong union was cemented between Rome and the English churches.

Along with this criminal immigration came the sturdy settler, the man intent on building a home and establishing a fireside.

It led to the fateful introduction of slavery from Africa, and it encouraged much defective immigration from Europe, the heritage of which survives in many defective and vicious strains of humanity, some of them notorious, such as the Jukes, the Kallikak family, and the Tribe of Ishmael. § 5.

The huge later immigration has converged upon the great industrial centres and added merely a vast non-servile element of employees to the scheme.

"they stand next in comparison with the Dayaks of Borneo," but I hold yet the impression that they belong to a very old, probably pre-Malay, immigration.

While the great flood of the mid-century Irish immigration had spread itself mainly north, east, and west, the larger cities of the South also received a share.

Meanwhile, it is true, the military preparations for a death-struggle of empires still go on, and the problem even of peaceful immigration becomes yearly more threatening, now that shipping companies can land tens of thousands of Chinese or Indian labourers for a pound or two a head at any port in the world.

"they stand next in comparison with the Dayaks of Borneo," but I hold yet the impression that they belong to a very old, probably pre-Malay, immigration.

By the end of the year he computed the total immigration to have amounted to 30,000.

A vast immigration poured in which almost universally came to stand for the Union.

Especially of late, since the rate of increase of the native population has become much less, is the effect of continuing immigration apparent.

With China's progressive consolidation, the voluntary immigration of Chinese into the Hsiung-nu empire came to an end, and the Hsiung-nu actually began to kidnap Chinese subjects.

By some it is supposed to be the result of casual immigration from the regions of Palestine, to which also is attributed the story of the flood.

While the great flood of the mid-century Irish immigration had spread itself mainly north, east, and west, the larger cities of the South also received a share.

I have already pointed out that, in spite of a colossal immigration, the population of the United States was at the end of the nineteenth century over twenty millions short of what it should have been through its own native increase had the birth-rate of the opening of the century been maintained.

The patricians were descendants of the original Latin, Sabine, and Etruscan families; the plebeians were the throng of common folk brought in by conquest or later immigration,mostly of Latin origin.

These are the superior opportunities which give the economic motives for settlement and for continued immigration from the other lands.

22 adjectives to describe  immigration