48 adjectives to describe impetuosities

With characteristic impetuosity, De Lamennais, like Comte, must bundle metaphysics out of doors altogether as a merely provisional but illusory synthesis, necessary for the human intellect in its adolescence, but to be discarded in its maturity; and thereupon he proceeds to erect his system of Traditionalism mid-air, quite unconscious that in clearing away metaphysics he has deprived the structure of its only possible foundation.

After a short, but ineffectual struggle against the fiery impetuosity of the Spaniards, they were overpowered and threw down their arms.

Norbanus had seized Sulla's envoys, and this so enraged the soldiers of the latter that they charged down the hill with irresistible impetuosity, and killed 6000 of the foe.

There awoke within him new energy, a youthful impetuosity that broke forth in gestures and exclamations, in a continual need of expansion, of living.

she asked, with an impetuosity unusual in one so trained in the forms of the world.

It was impossible to stand still, and one after the other the city folk yielded to the spell, Randal leading off with Ruth, Sophie swept away by Saul, and Emily being taken possession of by a young giant of eighteen, who spun her around with a boyish impetuosity that took her breath away.

For that reason alone, he was ready to curb his fierce impetuosity.

Lady Caroline Lamb, granddaughter of the first Earl Spencer, was one of those few women of our climate who, by their romantic impetuosity, recall the "children of the sun."

Perhaps the good Bishop did not personally oversee the rebuilding of Chollerford Bridge: more probably the Wear and Tees do not come down with the angry impetuosity of the Tyne in flood!

His thoughtless impetuosity was now exchanged for an excess of caution; and after a few skirmishes he withdrew.

But, if these were his plans, the furious impetuosity of the Samnites disarranged them.

Had he been alive, I am convinced that the disaster of 1897 would not have taken place, and, if a conflict was, through the ignorant impetuosity of the masses, unavoidable, it would have resulted more creditably to the Greek army, not in victory indeed, for this was under the circumstances not to be hoped for, but in a defeat which was not irretrievable.

Poor Nina, she had indeed been punished for her innocent impetuosities.

" Sniatynski rushed at me with lively impetuosity.

Mrs. Ellis's fondness and admiration of her son, although almost amounting to weakness, were yet insufficient to prevent her from feeling that his conduct, even after making due allowance for the provocation he had received, could not be wholly excused as mere boyish impetuosity and love of mischievous fun.

Black Sam, who had overheard his remark, with his native impetuosity put in: "'Fore God, massa, what a lie!

In her overflowing, impetuosity, also, she did not consider what severe and cutting things were implied as well as said in some of her sentences.

" With passionate impetuosity he pressed her to his heart, and covered her lips and face with his kisses.

The Boy took its pretty impetuosity for a happy augurythe very sled was eager for the mighty undertaking.

Thereupon he resolved, with true radical impetuosity, that Bagwax was a much better public servant than Mr. Brown.

Terrence, with all his reckless impetuosity, proceeded carefully to his point.

Heavy masses of breakers were continually striking the pier-head with fearful crashes; now bursting over, amid seas of spray, with resistless impetuosity, drenching every one under its lee; now recoiling for a brief moment, as if to gather strength, leaving a smooth, hollow waste of oily sealike the treacherous pauses of human passion,and then returning with wilder haste and tenfold added fury to the onset.

The spacious and shady forest was immediately filled with a thousand ostriches, a thousand stags, a thousand fallow-deer, and a thousand wild boars, and all this variety of game was abandoned to the riotous impetuosity of the multitude.

And the Tato with his scandalous impetuosity shouted loudly "There is no justice in the world!

In no Russian family is the attempt to prevent children from knowing what life really is maintained for long; the spontaneous impetuosity of the parents breaks it down.

48 adjectives to describe  impetuosities