62 adjectives to describe implication

Those states were aware that the United States in their constitution had left nothing to be "implied" as to the power of Congress over the District;an admonition quite sufficient one would think to put them on their guard, and induce them to eschew vague implications and resort to stipulations.

All the attributes of sovereignty vested in Congress by the Constitution it impales upon the point of an alleged implication.

This has been done, with certain restrictions, in most of the States, either by legislative acts or by constitutional implication.

But here, forsooth, a blind implication with nothing expressed, an "implied" faith without works, is omnipotent.

There is no ambiguous implication or logical deduction.

The ethical and religious implications of the Elegy, its piety, its sense of the frailties as well as the merits of mankind, are conservative.

The question I would put to the reader is this: Are we all logically, sincerely, and fully carrying out the plain implications of this War Aim?

But at the flattering implication the oddest thing happened.

Occupational placement: its history, philosophies, procedures, and educational implications.

The Constitution of the United States recognizes this power by the most conclusive implication.

The connotation of a word is the subtle implication, the emotional association it carriesoften quite apart from its dictionary definition.

But the man who deliberately justified the loose phraseology of the Bible about infinite Being, by the plea that it was language "thrown out" at an object infinitely transcending linguistic expression, ought not himself to be pinned to the implications logically deducible from his own words "thrown out" at the same transcendant object.

The acceptance of the principle that foodstuffs are contraband of war, it need hardly be said, is not even a remote probability except under very exceptional circumstances where they are for the immediate supply of the enemy's army or navy, and in most cases of this kind they can usually be confiscated as enemy's property without a direct implication of a distinctly contraband character.

After a staggering number of sentences had been executed the star witness raised doubts against herself by her endless implications, "for as matters were then likely to turn out there was no guessing where or when there would be an end of impeachments."

"Of late, Captain Barnaby, we seem to have taken to visiting each other rather frequently, don't you think?" It was lightly tossed off, but not without its evil implication; and I felt his eyes intently fixed upon me as he sat hunched up on the rail in his sodden sleeping-suit, like some huge, ill-omened bird of prey.

" His politeness, his disinterestedness, and his evident disinclination to any kind of vehemence carried an implication more exasperating than an open challenge.

It is not the money and title we should distrust so much as the false implications attaching to them.

There is never any remedial suggestion made with this particular outcry; it is merely a gust of abuse and insult for schools, and more particularly board schools, carrying with it a half-hearted implication that they should be closed, and then the contribution concludes.

Is it possible that the prophetic and priestly historians found these stories on the lips of the people and sought in this heroic way to divest them of their polytheistic form and, in certain respects, immoral implications?

There are still more indigestible implications in the idea, and, since they have got to be digested sooner or later if civilization is not to collapse, there is no reason why we should not begin to bite upon them now.

Consequently, although hedonist theorists have been anxious to establish katharsis on a purely aesthetic foundation, it seems that the theory has inescapable moral implications.

Nevertheless, whenever Socialism is intelligently met by discussion or whenever it draws near to practicable realisation, it becomes, by virtue of its inherent implications, a constructive force, and there is no reason to suppose that it will not be intelligently met on the whole and in the long run in America.

So, my dear, I choose, you see, rather to rely upon your discretion, than to feign reasons with which you would not be satisfied, but with your usual active penetration, sift to the bottom, and at last find me to be a mean and low qualifier; and that with an implication injurious to you, that I supposed you had not prudence enough to be trusted with the naked truth.

" The figure had sounded apt to Anna on that Sunday evening when the Doctor employed it; apt enoughuntil the outburst of that great and dreadful news whose inseparable implications and forebodings robbed her of all sleep that night and made her the first one astir at daybreak.

Now, nothing of the kind; indeed, through the heated remarks of the actor-manager there ran the insolent implication that Mr. Fenwick's wrath was of no particular account to anybody, and that he was presuming on a commission he had been very lucky to get.

62 adjectives to describe  implication