9 adjectives to describe impulsiveness

Leonard Chadwick, about the same age as his rescuer, had never deigned to pay much attention to Humplebee, whom he regarded as stupid and plebeian; but the boy's character was marked by a generous impulsiveness, which came out strongly in the present circumstances.

It was a clever, and yet it was a weak face, full of a sort of fickle enthusiasm and feeble impulsiveness.

My cousin held out her hand to me with a charmingly frank impulsiveness.

There is a juvenile impulsiveness about Sir HENRY CRAIK which reminds one of "the boy who wouldn't grow up," and may account for his keen interest in Kensington Gardens.

His strong, kind, decided voice, his good looks, his decision, and a sort of responsible impulsiveness, all appealed to her immensely.

In business matters Gregoire invariably showed the rough impulsiveness of a man of sanguine temperament, obstinately determined to part with no fraction of his rights.

She bent to him after a moment with that sweet impulsiveness of hers that so greatly charmed all who loved her.

With clumsy impulsiveness he came to Dick and stood before him.

But for the purpose of criticism the three painters may be considered together as the representatives of three marked aspects in the fully developed Venetian style. Tintoretto, called by the Italians the thunderbolt of painting, because of his vehement impulsiveness and rapidity of execution, soars above his brethren by the faculty of pure imagination.

9 adjectives to describe  impulsiveness